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I am having trouble with the email function, basicaly I am not getting any emails submited via the form. Here is my script:


  <?php if( in("send") != "send" ) {?>

      <form action="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>" METHOD="POST">
      Name :<br><input name="name" type="text" id="name" size="35" /><br>
      Email :<br><input name="email" type="text" id="email" size="35" /><br>
      <textarea name="question" cols="27" rows="5" id="question" ></textarea>
	  <input type="submit" name="send" id="send" value="send" />

          <?php } else { ?>
 <strong>Email was submited</strong>
           <a href="index.php">Previous page.</a>

	  <?php } ?>	


The function is included on top of the page, before any html:


      $name = $_POST['name']; 
      $email = $_POST['email']; 
      $question = $_POST['question']; 
     $sendto = "[email protected]";
     $subject = "Question";
     $headers = "From: " .  $name; 
     $message =  "Name: " . $name  . "\n" . "Email  : " . $email . "\n" . "Question : " .  $question . "\n" . "IP : " . $ip;

     mail($sendto, $subject, $message, $headers);


What is wrong with this ?

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You use in(), which isnt a function (according to php.net).


Use if(isset($_POST['send'])) or something similair instead.


Good luck.




PS, for sending email, I would suggest you use swfit mailer, a library for sending mails, as the build in mail() is a bad function!



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I noticed that when I change where the email will go to the form works 100%.


I changed the destenation email address to administrator@____.org (my website) and I got every message submited via that form)


But when the destenation email address is yahoo or hotmail I do not get any emails, even in the junk folders.


I also have email fowarding on that administrator@____.org account so that every email sent there is fowarded to my hotmail account, but the emails generated by the form are not fowarded.


What could be the reason for this ?

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may be  you can use the following procedure


get the PHPMailer, search in google to download it.


put the files in a folder,

create a file, say emailme.php, for mailing the contents

inlcude the class.phpmailer.php on the first line


instantiate the object like this


  $mail = new PHPMailer();


  $mail->IsSMTP(); // telling the class to use SMTP

  $mail->Host = "localhost"; // SMTP server

  $mail->From = "from email address here";

  $mail->FromName = 'display name here';


you can also copy the above code to the file after the inlcude code.


store the values of the form using the Post methos to the variable or the array



assign the content like this


$mail->Body = 'content of the mail'


$mail->Subject = 'Subect here'


then .. you are finished




upto you to handle the error


this is the perfect mailer ever !!




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