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Apache as a Proxy


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Hi all,


I've got Apache running as a forward proxy on an intranet. This is a prototype for a machine that will be live on the internet, and so I need to add authorisation to it, so I'm not an open proxy.


I've therefore added the following lines to my httpd.conf:


<Proxy *>

  AuthType Digest

  AuthName "Picsel Proxy"

  AuthDigestDomain *

  AuthDigestProvider file

  AuthUserFile /home/robin/apache/install/conf/auth_digest

  Require valid-user



This is all working swimmingly.


The next thing I'd like to do though is to be able to allow *unauthorised* access to a website of my choosing.


In the full thing, this will be the website you need to connect to in order to get a username/password to be able to use the proxy for the web at large. For now, I'm using my own website (http://www.wss.co.uk/) to test this with.


I'd hoped to be able to do:


<Proxy http://www.wss.co.uk/*>

  Order allow,deny

  Allow from all



But accesses to http://www.wss.co.uk/ still tell me they need authorisation.


Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong please?






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I've just had the solution given to me on another forum.


Apparently I need a 'Satisfy Any' line in the second proxy block.


Attempting to fetch from http://www.wss.co.uk/ matches both blocks, and so by default requires both to be satisfied to work. Telling it to accept either one solves the problem nicely.


Obvious once someone points it out :)






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