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Sending newsletter in cycles


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Well it won't timeout :\ PHP Scripts will only timeout if they are stuck on a function for your max execution time. I have one massive database transfer script that takes about an hour to execute :P, thank god its my server or I'd have some ticked off NAs

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$emails = array("email1@site.com", "email2@site.com");

$message = "This email was sent by PHP!";

$from = "noreply@mysite.com";

$subject = "Sent from PHP";

foreach($emails as $email) {
$headers = "From: {$from}";
mail($email, $subject, $message, $headers);
echo "Sent to {$email}<br />\n";


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I have no problem sending the email. I was thinking more like lets say

I must send 1000 emails


so First I send 100 and then 100 and so on. Does the functions sleep() helps with this?


sending 100 and then


sleep(5) // 5 seconds


and then start again with the next set of emails until they are done

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Well hypothetically speaking you could add an integer and an if statement saying


if( $i == 100 || $i == 200 ){
  sleep( 10 );



Then it would sleep on whatever numbers you specified, but I'm not sure why you would want to do that.

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Everytime you refresh the page it will re-parse so unless you have something like a DB table to confirm which ones sent and which ones didn't you won't be able to.


You *may* be able to store them all as one huge array in a session variable but that would be pretty inefficent.


Maybe if you explained why exactly you want to take a break between e-mailing?

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Use ini_set() to set the maximum execution time, and just loop through all of them. It won't timeout as long as it doesn't hit a neverending loop.


Exactly, like I said above. My server has a maximum execution time of 30 seconds, however I have a script that runs for a little of an hour. Execution time only exists when it hits a neverending loop and thus hangs executing that one function for the preset length of time.


To e-mail 1 million subscribers will take quite a while, but the PHP script won't timeout as long as it is pogrammed correctly without any never-ending loops.

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