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[SOLVED] email only half works now (i didn't change anything..really)


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Ok, here's one that has been buggin me all day. The page loads fine, it even emails like it's supposed to. The problem I'm having is that the email is only half complete. The email the page generates is supposed to have a restaurant name and a distributer name.


example of a good email:

Ad ordered for $company on $tablename


example what I'm getting:

Ad ordered for $company on


the $company is the showing up just fine

but the $tablename (which is also the rest_name)

isn't showing up


$id = $_SESSION['track_id'];
set_time_limit ( 0 );

if($submit) {

if($P_There) {	} else {

if ($month < 10 && strlen($month) < 2) {
if ($day < 10 && strlen($day) < 2) {
	mysql_query("INSERT INTO ad_order VALUES ('','$ad_num','0','$month/$day/$year','$year$month$day','0','0','0','$table_id','$Got_For','$company','$company_type',
			'$home_address','$special','$dest_email')", $db_link);

	$Get_ID_Num = mysql_query("SELECT id FROM ad_order WHERE order_id='$ad_num' ",$db_link);
		$ID_Num = mysql_fetch_array($Get_ID_Num);

	$save_copy = $ID_Num['id'];

$ord_date = date('Y') . date('m') . date('d');
$pic_name_new = "$ord_date" . date('H') . date('i') . date('s') . $_SESSION['track_id'] . '.gif';

if($design_name) {
copy ("$design", "/WebServer/WebSites/"."abcadmin/copy/$pic_name_new")
        	 or die("Could not copy file");
mysql_query("INSERT INTO copy (order_id,pic_location,type,ord_date) VALUES ('$save_copy','$pic_name_new','copy','$ord_date')",$db_link) or die("Please Contact JP Solutions");

$get_username = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM sales_rep WHERE sales_id='$id'",$db_link);

	$get = mysql_fetch_array($get_username);

	$last_name = $get['lname'];
	$first_name = $get['fname'];

//--------===========-----------===============----------THIS SHOULD WORK, BUT DOESN'T--------==============-----------=========--------*

//$get_tablename = mysql_query("SELECT abc_tables.rest_name FROM abc_tables INNER JOIN ad_order on abc_tables.table_id = ad_order.cust_id WHERE ad_order.order_id=$ad_num limit 1",$db_link);
$get_tablename = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM abc_tables INNER JOIN ad_order on abc_tables.table_id = ad_order.cust_id WHERE ad_order.order_id=$ad_num limit 1",$db_link);

	//$tablename = mysql_result($get_tablename,1);
	$g_tablename = mysql_fetch_array($get_tablename);

	//print (mysql_error());
//--------=========--------------============---------------END THIS SHOULD WORK-------------=============-------------=======----------*

	$msg .= "A new ad has been ordered for $company on $tablename. This order was placed by $first_name $last_name.";



	$msg .= "

View: http://www.website.com/get_ad.php?got=&project=$save_copy

- abcadvertising.net";
		mail($dest_email, "AD ordered for $company on $tablename", $msg,
		     "From: me@me.net\r\n"
		    ."Reply-To: me@me.net\r\n"
		    ."X-Mailer: PHP/" . phpversion());

$random = rand(0,999999999); 

$Num_Is = mysql_query("SELECT id FROM ad_order WHERE order_id='$random'", $db_link);
	$num = mysql_num_rows($Num_Is);

while ($num) {
	$random = rand(0,999999999); 

	$Num_Is = mysql_query("SELECT id FROM ad_order WHERE order_id='$random'", $db_link);
		$num = mysql_num_rows($Num_Is);
$Get_Cust = mysql_query("Select table_id, order_id, table_id, contact_fname, contact_lname, rest_name, set_no FROM abc_tables where dist_id='$id' and status_2<'6' order by rest_name, set_no",$db_link);

	$Get_Delegated = mysql_query("SELECT table_id , rest_name , set_no , status_3 FROM abc_tables WHERE (del_id_1='$id' or del_id_2='$id' or del_id_3='$id' or del_id_4='$id') and status_2<'6' order by rest_name, set_no", $db_link);


										<td width="150">Name of Restaurant</td>
											if($under_who) { 
											$Get_id_user = mysql_query("SELECT table_id FROM cust_order WHERE table_id='$under_who'",$db_link);
											$store_for = mysql_fetch_array($Get_id_user);
											$stored = $store_for['table_id'];

											$Get_cust_info = mysql_query("Select table_id, order_id, table_id, contact_fname, contact_lname, rest_name, set_no FROM abc_tables where dist_id='$under_who' AND status_2<'6' order by rest_name, set_no",$db_link);
												$get_er = mysql_fetch_array($Get_cust_info);
											echo '<b>' . $get_er['rest_name'] . '</b>';
											<input type="hidden" value="<?=$under_who;?>" name="table_id">
											} else {
											<select name="table_id" class="formTextbox" size="1">
				  <option value=""> -- Select Your Restaurant -- </option>
											 while($row = mysql_fetch_array($Get_Cust)) {
				  <option value="<?=$row['table_id'];?>"><? echo $row['rest_name']. ' Set #'.$row['set_no']; ?></option>
											  <option value=""> -- Select Delegated Restaurant -- </option>
											 while($row = mysql_fetch_array($Get_Delegated)) {
				  <option value="<?=$row['table_id'];?>"><? echo $row['rest_name']. ' Set #'.$row['set_no']; ?></option>
				</select><? } ?></td>
										<td width="150">Salesperson</td>
										<select name="Got_For" class="formTextbox">
			  	$Get_For = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM sales_rep WHERE sales_id='$id'  ORDER by lname", $db_link);
					//$checked = mysql_fetch_array($Get_For); 
						//$Got_For = $checked['sales_id'];
						while($checked=mysql_fetch_array($Get_For)) {
						$Got_For = $checked['sales_id'];
						$lname = $checked['lname'];
						$fname = $checked['fname'];
			 ?><option value="<?=$Got_For;?>"><? echo "$lname, $fname"; ?>
			<? } ?>
			  	$Get_For = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM sales_rep where spons_id = '$id' ORDER by lname",$db_link);
					//$checked = mysql_fetch_array($Get_For); 
						//$Got_For = $checked['sales_id'];
						while($checked=mysql_fetch_array($Get_For)) {
						$Got_For = $checked['sales_id'];
						$lname = $checked['lname'];
						$fname = $checked['fname'];
			  <option value="<?=$Got_For;?>"><? echo "$lname, $fname"; ?></option>
			<? } ?>

										<td width="150">Ad Size</td>
										<td><input type="text" class="formTextbox" name="size" size="24"></td>
										<td width="150";>Customer #</td>
										<td><input type="text" class="formTextbox" name="ad_num" value="<?=$random;?>" size="24" readonly></td>
										<td width="150">Ad #</td>
										<td><input type="text" class="formTextbox" name="quote_num" size="24"></td>
										<td width="150"></td>

												<input type="submit" class="formTextbox" name="submit" value="Submit Ad Purchase"></div>
								<p><a href="http://www.website.com/admin/techsupport.php" target="_blank"><img src="../IMAGES/techsupport.gif" alt="" height="90" width="120" border="0"></a></p>
				<TD COLSPAN=3><IMG SRC="images/inside_08.gif" WIDTH=758 HEIGHT=2></TD>


I had to yank a bunch of code out of the middle to make it fit but all the relevent code should still be there.

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Try tracking the value back through your code by printing it out.  First, print it out immediately before the spot where it has the wrong value.  If it's still wrong there, print it out a bit further back.


Eventually you will find the exact location at which the value changes from being correct to incorrect (it may even have never been correct from the start).  That's where the bug is.

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the weird thing is $company still works just not $tablename

changed $post to $_post['submit']


I get these errors:

Notice: Undefined variable: P_There in /Library/Tenon/WebServer/admin/ad_sale.php on line 18


if($P_There) {	} else {

if ($month < 10 && strlen($month) < 2) {



Notice: Undefined variable: design_name in /Library/Tenon/WebServer/WebSites/admin/ad_sale.php on line 39


	if($design_name) {
copy ("$design", "/Library/WebServer/WebSites/www.website.net/"."admin/copy/$pic_name_new")
        	 or die("Could not copy file");
mysql_query("INSERT INTO copy (order_id,pic_location,type,ord_date) VALUES ('$save_copy','$pic_name_new','copy','$ord_date')",$db_link) or die("Please Contact JP Solutions");


Notice: Undefined variable: msg in /Library/Tenon/WebServer/WebSites/admin/ad_sale.php on line 67


$msg .= "A new ad has been ordered for $company on $tablename. This order was placed by $first_name $last_name. 


Notice: Undefined variable: fail1 in /Library/Tenon/WebServer/WebSites/admin/ad_sale.php on line 137


if ($fail1=='1'){
$log .= "Couldn't copy file 1 to server - it may be too large, or the transfer may have been disrupted<br>";


Notice: Undefined variable: P_There in /Library/Tenon/WebServer/WebSites/admin/ad_sale.php on line 521


mysql_query("UPDATE ad_order SET flag='3' WHERE id='$save_copy'",$db_link);


Notice: Undefined variable: under_who in /Library/Tenon/WebServer/WebSites/admin/ad_sale.php on line 639


if($under_who) { 
$Get_id_user = mysql_query("SELECT table_id FROM cust_order WHERE table_id='$under_who'",$db_link);
								$store_for = mysql_fetch_array($Get_id_user);
								$stored = $store_for['table_id'];

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Ok, just from a quick glance, would i be right in saying you're not getting this table_name from the database? In which case, you need to check your query. The best way is to put the query into a string, so you can echo it out. And dont forget the or die statement:


$query = "SELECT * FROM abc_tables INNER JOIN ad_order on abc_tables.table_id = ad_order.cust_id WHERE ad_order.order_id=$ad_num limit 1",$db_link);
$get_tablename = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error());
echo $query;


That way, you can see exactly what query is being done.

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Ok, just from a quick glance, would i be right in saying you're not getting this table_name from the database?


all the drop down menus are being populated from a database

all of the others work (they post like they should) but table_id

even though it populates properly it fails to post

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I've made progress....kind of.

I tried to echo the variables:

$get_id_user, $store_for, $stored

I even tried to echo $row['rest_name']

  //which is echoed in the drop down list//

and they all came back empty

but the drop down list populates ok


drop down

<option value="<?=$row['table_id'];?>"><? echo $row['rest_name']. ' Set #'.$row['set_no']; ?></option>


what i tried to echo

echo $row['rest_name'];

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In a nut shell:

when the user fills out the form and clicks submit it generates an email containing the information in the form


only part of the information is being "posted" to the email


the $fname and $lname are working but the $tablename isn't


this works:

											<td width="150">Salesperson</td>
										<select name="Got_For" class="formTextbox">
$Get_For = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM sales_rep WHERE sales_id='$id'  ORDER by lname", $db_link);
					//$checked = mysql_fetch_array($Get_For); 
						//$Got_For = $checked['sales_id'];
						while($checked=mysql_fetch_array($Get_For)) {
						$Got_For = $checked['sales_id'];
						$lname = $checked['lname'];
						$fname = $checked['fname'];
			 ?><option value="<?=$Got_For;?>"><? echo "$lname, $fname"; ?>
			<? } ?>


this dosen't:

											<td width="150">Name of Restaurant</td>
											if($under_who) { 
											$Get_id_user = mysql_query("SELECT table_id FROM cust_order WHERE table_id='$under_who'",$db_link);
											$store_for = mysql_fetch_array($Get_id_user);
											$stored = $store_for['table_id'];

											$Get_cust_info = mysql_query("Select table_id, order_id, table_id, contact_fname, contact_lname, rest_name, set_no FROM abc_tables where dist_id='$under_who' AND status_2<'6' order by rest_name, set_no",$db_link);
												$get_er = mysql_fetch_array($Get_cust_info);
											echo '<b>' . $get_er['rest_name'] . '</b>';
											<input type="hidden" value="<?=$under_who;?>" name="table_id">
											} else {
											<select name="table_id" class="formTextbox" size="1">
				  <option value=""> -- Select Your Restaurant -- </option>
											 while($row = mysql_fetch_array($Get_Cust)) {
				  <option value="<?=$row['table_id'];?>"><? echo $row['rest_name']. ' Set #'.$row['set_no']; ?></option>
											  <option value=""> -- Select Delegated Restaurant -- </option>
											 while($row = mysql_fetch_array($Get_Delegated)) {
				  <option value="<?=$row['table_id'];?>"><? echo $row['rest_name']. ' Set #'.$row['set_no']; ?></option>
				</select><? } ?>


both are drop down menus on the same page, both populate from the database properly

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as it turns out the page is posting the first selection in the database populated dropdown menus no matter what i select


the table_id menu is blank when the page loads but the got_for menu has a default value


no mater what i select  the posted data is whatever the default value of the drop down menus are. drop downs that are hardcoded on the page post just fine


How do i fix that?


Lets just start from scratch. How do I email the slection from a dropdow menu that is populated from a database

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Here is the page with only the relevent code present. (i just noticed that when I refresh it sends an email, even though I'm not clicking submit)


$id = $_SESSION['track_id'];
set_time_limit ( 0 );

if($_POST['submit']) {

if($P_There) {	} else {

if ($month < 10 && strlen($month) < 2) {
if ($day < 10 && strlen($day) < 2) {
		$Get_ID_Num = mysql_query("SELECT id FROM ad_order WHERE order_id='$ad_num' ",$db_link);
		$ID_Num = mysql_fetch_array($Get_ID_Num);

$ord_date = date('Y') . date('m') . date('d');
$pic_name_new = "$ord_date" . date('H') . date('i') . date('s') . $_SESSION['track_id'] . '.gif';

$get_username = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM sales_rep WHERE sales_id='$id'",$db_link);

	$get = mysql_fetch_array($get_username);

	$last_name = $get['lname'];
	$first_name = $get['fname'];

	$msg .= "Display State: $company \nDisplay Restaurant name: $tablename. \nDisplay Distributer $first_name $last_name.";			    

	$msg .= "

View: http://www.website.net/abcadmin/get_ad.php?got=&project=$save_copy

- abcadvertising.net";
		mail($dest_email, "Display State: $company Display Restaurant name: $tablename", $msg,
		     "From: me@website.net\r\n"
		    ."Reply-To: me@website.net\r\n"
		    ."X-Mailer: PHP/" . phpversion());

$random = rand(0,999999999); 

$Num_Is = mysql_query("SELECT id FROM ad_order WHERE order_id='$random'", $db_link);
	$num = mysql_num_rows($Num_Is);

while ($num) {
	$random = rand(0,999999999); 

	$Num_Is = mysql_query("SELECT id FROM ad_order WHERE order_id='$random'", $db_link);
		$num = mysql_num_rows($Num_Is);
$Get_Cust = mysql_query("Select table_id, order_id, table_id, contact_fname, contact_lname, rest_name, set_no FROM abc_tables where dist_id='$id' and status_2<'6' order by rest_name, set_no",$db_link);

	$Get_Delegated = mysql_query("SELECT table_id , rest_name , set_no , status_3 FROM abc_tables WHERE (del_id_1='$id' or del_id_2='$id' or del_id_3='$id' or del_id_4='$id') and status_2<'6' order by rest_name, set_no", $db_link);

<BODY BGCOLOR=#FFFFFF leftmargin="0" marginwidth="0" topmargin="0" marginheight="0">
			<TR height="516">
				<TD valign="top" height="516">
          <form action="<?=$PHP_SELF;?>" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" name="FormName" onSubmit="return document.MM_returnValue">
				<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="2">
										<td width="300">Name of Restaurant(populated from database)</td>
											if($under_who) { 
											$Get_id_user = mysql_query("SELECT table_id FROM cust_order WHERE table_id='$under_who'",$db_link);
											$store_for = mysql_fetch_array($Get_id_user);
											$stored = $store_for['table_id'];

											$Get_cust_info = mysql_query("Select table_id, order_id, table_id, contact_fname, contact_lname, rest_name, set_no FROM abc_tables where dist_id='$under_who' AND status_2<'6' order by rest_name, set_no",$db_link);
												$get_er = mysql_fetch_array($Get_cust_info);
											echo '<b>' . $get_er['rest_name'] . '</b>';
											<input type="hidden" value="<?=$under_who;?>" name="table_id">
											} else {
											<select name="table_id" class="formTextbox" size="1">
				  <option value=""> -- Select Your Restaurant -- </option>
											 while($row = mysql_fetch_array($Get_Cust)) {
				  <option value="<?=$row['table_id'];?>"><? echo $row['rest_name']. ' Set #'.$row['set_no']; ?></option>
											  <option value=""> -- Select Delegated Restaurant -- </option>
											 while($row = mysql_fetch_array($Get_Delegated)) {
				  <option value="<?=$row['table_id'];?>"><? echo $row['rest_name']. ' Set #'.$row['set_no']; ?></option>
				</select><? } ?></td>
									echo "$row";
										<td width="300">Salesperson(populated from database)</td>
										<select name="Got_For" class="formTextbox">
			  	$Get_For = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM sales_rep WHERE sales_id='$id'  ORDER by lname", $db_link);
					//$checked = mysql_fetch_array($Get_For); 
						//$Got_For = $checked['sales_id'];
						while($checked=mysql_fetch_array($Get_For)) {
						$Got_For = $checked['sales_id'];
						$lname = $checked['lname'];
						$fname = $checked['fname'];
			 ?><option value="<?=$Got_For;?>"><? echo "$lname, $fname"; ?>
			<? } ?>
			  	$Get_For = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM sales_rep where spons_id = '$id' ORDER by lname",$db_link);
					//$checked = mysql_fetch_array($Get_For); 
						//$Got_For = $checked['sales_id'];
						while($checked=mysql_fetch_array($Get_For)) {
						$Got_For = $checked['sales_id'];
						$lname = $checked['lname'];
						$fname = $checked['fname'];
			  <option value="<?=$Got_For;?>"><? echo "$lname, $fname"; ?></option>
			<? } ?>
										<td width="300">Advertiser State:(hardcoded)</td>
										<td><select name="company" CLASS="formTextbox">
												<option value="">--- Select US State ---</option>
												<option value="AL">Alabama</option>
												<option value="AK">Alaska</option>
												<option value="AZ">Arizona</option>
												<option value="AR">Arkansas</option>
												<option value="CA">California</option>
												<option value="CO">Colorado</option>
												<option value="CT">Connecticut</option>
												<option value="DE">Delaware</option>

										<td colspan="2">
											<div align="center">
												<input type="submit" class="formTextbox" name="submit" value="Submit Ad Purchase"></div>
							echo "$id";


the drop down named company (hard-coded) posts just fine

but the drop downs that populate from my database are just

posting the default values

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I'm an idiot. As it turns out I didn't account for this insert query:

mysql_query("INSERT INTO ad_order VALUES ('','$ad_num','0','$month/$day/$year','','$year$month$day','0','0','','0','$table_id','$Got_For','$company','$company_type','$phone','$fax','$address','$city','$state','$zip','$email','$size','$quote_num','$direction','$cost','$deposit','$check_num','$buyer_name','$ssn','$home_phone','$home_address','$special','$dest_email')",$db_link);


when I added two new columns to the database. I needed to add a couple ,'', to get it right again.

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