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Php newb needs some simple help...


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Ok I am currently using this upload script that I found:

<title>Upload scripts to iScripts</title>
	<p><strong><span style="background: #fff; color: #000"><? if($_REQUEST["message"] == "") echo "Upload a file below:"; else echo $_REQUEST["message"]?></span></strong></p>
	<form action="upload.php" enctype="multipart/form-data" id="upload" method="post">
		<p><input id="userfile" name="userfile" size="45" type="file" /><input name="upload" type="submit" value="Upload File" /><br /></p>

		<p>Allowed file extensions: <strong><?=$file_extensions_list?></strong></p>

		<p>Maximum file size: <strong><?=$maximum_file_size?> bytes (~<?=round($maximum_file_size/1024)?>KB)</strong></p>

		<p>Deleting files is currently: <strong><?=$status?></strong></p>



	<p><strong>Uploaded Files</strong></p>
	<table style="border: 2px dotted #000; width: 100%">
<? if($uploaded_files == "") echo "		<tr>
			<td colspan=\"2\" style=\"background: #fff; color: #000; text-align: center\"><br /><strong>There are no uploaded files.</strong><br /><br /></td>
"; else echo $uploaded_files ?>


Silentum Uploader v1.2.0
Modified March 4, 2007
uploader.php copyright 2005-2007 "HyperSilence"

// Begin options

$allow_file_deletion = false; // To allow visitors to delete files, leave this at true; otherwise, change it to false

$file_extensions = array(".java"); // Add or delete the file extensions you want to allow

$file_extensions_list = ".java"; // Type the same as above, without the quotes separating them

$max_length = 30; // The maximum character length for a file name

$maximum_file_size = "1000000"; // In bytes

$upload_log_file = "uploadlog.txt"; // Change this to the log file you want to use

// End options

$folder_directory = "http://".$_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"].dirname($_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]);
$message = "";
$set_chmod = 0;
$site_uri = "http://".$_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"].$_SERVER["PHP_SELF"];
$upload_directory = "files/";
$upload_uri = $folder_directory."/files/";

if($allow_file_deletion == true) $status = "enabled";
else $status = "disabled";

if($_REQUEST["delete"] && $allow_file_deletion) {
$resource = fopen($upload_log_file,"a");
fwrite($resource,date("F d, Y / h:i:sa")." - ".$_REQUEST["delete"]." deleted by ".$_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"]."\n");

if(strpos($_REQUEST["delete"],"/.") > 0);
elseif(strpos($_REQUEST["delete"],$upload_directory) === false);
elseif(substr($_REQUEST["delete"],0,6) == $upload_directory) {
$message = "File has been deleted.";
header("Location: $site_uri?message=$message");

elseif($_FILES["userfile"]) {
$resource = fopen($upload_log_file,"a");
fwrite($resource,date("F d, Y / h:i:sa")." - ".$_FILES["userfile"]["name"]." "
.$_FILES["userfile"]["type"]." uploaded by ".$_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"]." \n");

$file_type = $_FILES["userfile"]["type"]; 
$file_name = $_FILES["userfile"]["name"];
$file_ext = strtolower(substr($file_name,strrpos($file_name,".")));
//chmod($upload_uri."".$file_name, 0755);
if($_FILES["userfile"]["size"] > $maximum_file_size) {
$message = "ERROR: File size cannot be over ".$maximum_file_size." bytes.";

elseif($file_name == "") $message = "ERROR: Please select a file to upload.";
elseif(strlen($file_name > $max_length)) $message = "ERROR: The maximum length for a file name is ".$max_length." characters.";
elseif(!preg_match("/^[A-Z0-9_.\- ]+$/i",$file_name)) $message = "ERROR: Your file name contains invalid characters.";
elseif(!in_array($file_ext, $file_extensions))
$message = "ERROR: <ins>$file_ext</ins> is not an allowed file extension.";
else $message = upload_file($upload_directory, $upload_uri);
//header("Location: $site_uri?message=$message");

else $message = "ERROR: Invalid file specified.";

$open = opendir($upload_directory);
$uploaded_files = "";
while($file = readdir($open)) {
if(!is_dir($file) && !is_link($file)) {
$uploaded_files .= "		<tr>
			<td style=\"background: #fff; color: #000; text-align: left; width: 70%\"><a href=\"$upload_directory$file\" title=\"$file (".filesize($upload_directory."".$file)." bytes)\">".$file."</a> (".filesize($upload_directory."".$file)." bytes)</td>";
$uploaded_files .= "
			<td style=\"background: #fff; color: #000; text-align: right; width: 30%\"><a href=\"?delete=$upload_directory".urlencode($file)."\" title=\"Delete File\">Delete File</a></td>";
$uploaded_files .= "
			<td style=\"background: #fff; color: #000; text-align: right; width: 30%\"><del><strong>Delete File</strong></del></td>";
$uploaded_files .= "
			<td colspan=\"2\" style=\"background: #eee; color: #000; text-align: left; text-indent: 20px\">Uploaded <strong>".date("F d, Y / h:ia", filemtime($upload_directory.$file))."</strong></td>";
$uploaded_files .="

function upload_file($upload_directory, $upload_uri) {
$file_name = $_FILES["userfile"]["name"];
$file_name = str_replace(" ","_",$file_name);
$file_path = $upload_directory.$file_name;
$temporary = $_FILES["userfile"]["tmp_name"];

$result = move_uploaded_file($temporary, $file_path);
$message = "ERROR: A folder to place the files was not found, or the files need to be CHMODed to 777.";
else $message = ($result)?"File has been uploaded." : "An error has occurred.";
return $message;


I want to add to it a field where the uploader  can also leave a comment. The comment will then be made into a text file and saved in the 'files' directory. The name of the text file will be just like the name of the file + comment. So for example if I upload a file called hello.java the comment file will be helloComment.txt and both files will be saved in the files directory. Then, last but not least, I want to have a .php page that will list all the files that are currently in the files directory, and then next to each file name it will echo the .txt comment file.



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More info:

Maybe it will be easier to understand what I want if I tell you what I need it for. I made a java program that downloads all the files in a certain directory of a website to my computer. Now, how does it know the names of the files? It goes to the uploadlog.txt of the server which looks like this:


June 13, 2007 / 07:07:59am - A.java text/x-java uploaded by

June 13, 2007 / 07:07:60am - Hello.java text/x-java uploaded by

June 13, 2007 / 07:08:01am - Bob.java text/x-java uploaded by

June 13, 2007 / 07:08:05am - Something.java text/x-java uploaded by

June 13, 2007 / 07:09:43am - ClassB.java text/x-java uploaded by


So the program reads that file and then it knows that names of the files that it needs to download. But the uploadlog.txt file isnt good enough. It does not change if a file gets deleted. And then the program screws up. Also, if someone want to upload a file and also include a comment that needs to be seen by the program how are they gonna do that. So what I want to do is change the upload form so that when you upload a file you can also include a comment. Then I will also replace the uploadlog.txt with a dynamic php file, that will check to see what files it can find in the files directory. It will display all the file names and then next to each file it will display the comment that the uploader wanted to include. Thats it. Its not that much. I just dont know how to do it. Maybe I could also, like you said, use a mysql db to store the comments.

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Well, if you are going to be using a database, then you might as well store the information on all the files that have been uploaded in the database too. If you are able to use a database, they are much more usefull than text files - they are faster and easier to work with.


Do you have any experience with mysql?



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Thats ok, everyone's got to start somewhere. I would suggest, however, that you try and learn a few bits of php and mysql using some tutorials, before you attempt to expand on this script.


There are some beginner tutorials here: http://www.phpfreaks.com/tutorial_cat/8/Basics-&-Beginner-Tutorials.php


The second one looks like it could be what you're after - it looks like it includes all the basic mysql.

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