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High Scores List - Display username only once??


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I have a game where the users score is submitted into a table that is used for lots of games.


The best explaination is to see for yourself.


Here is the output


Top Scores 

1. pistoche - 2727

2. pistoche - 2580

3. pistoche - 2566

4. pistoche - 2478

5. pistoche - 2431

6. pistoche - 2429

7. pistoche - 2399

8. pistoche - 2399

9. pistoche - 2397

10. pistoche - 2344

11. pistoche - 2310

12. pistoche - 2295

13. pistoche - 2176

14. pistoche - 2175

15. pistoche - 2168

16. pistoche - 2144

17. pistoche - 2121

18. pistoche - 2120

19. Lolly Pop Chicka - 2070

20. pistoche - 2062

21. j e f f g o r d o n - 2045

22. pistoche - 2041

23. pistoche - 2040

24. pistoche - 2031

25. pistoche - 2029

26. j e f f g o r d o n - 2023

27. Lolly Pop Chicka - 2019


and here is the code


$game_name = bubblepop; 
mysql_query("INSERT INTO highscores (game, user, game_name, score, daily) VALUES ('1', '$userid', '$game_name', '$score', '$datestamp')");

$x = 1;
$findTop5 = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM highscores WHERE game_name = 'bubblepop' ORDER BY score DESC LIMIT 50");
while ($getTop5 = mysql_fetch_array($findTop5))
$getUsername = fetch("SELECT username,display_name,premium,display_prem FROM members2 WHERE game = '1' AND id = '$getTop5[user]'");
if (($getUsername[premium] == 1) AND ($getUsername[display_prem]))
	$getUsername[display_name] = $getUsername[display_prem];
$top5 .= "$x. <A href=user_profile.php?game=$game&user=$getUsername[username]>$getUsername[display_name]</a> - $getTop5[score]<br>";

$yourTotalScore = fetch("SELECT score FROM highscores WHERE game_name = 'bubblepop' AND game= '$game' AND user = '$userid'");

print "<p align=center><TABLE CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=10 WIDTH=80%>
   <TR BGCOLOR=\"#F5E462\">
           <B>Top Scores</B>
      <TD valign=\"top\">



Is there a way to make it sort through the data to find a double up of a username and only display that usernames high score.


So the output would be


Top Scores 

1. pistoche - 2727

2. Lolly Pop Chicka - 2070

3. j e f f g o r d o n - 2045

etc etc



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