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getting cookies immediatly


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anyone know a way of getting cookie information right away... like so...


setcookie ("testcookie","test value",time()+86400,"/");
echo "Here is our cookie value: <b>".$_COOKIE[testcookie]."</b>";


from what i've seen... php doesnt keep the information, untill the next reload of the page...?

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I was looking into this the other day and setting the cookie on the splash page seems the best bet.

Then if the user accesses another page without going through the splash page at some point during the session, then it re-directs them to the splash page

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but if cookies are disabled in the browser... they'd get sent to the splash page every time they tried to enter the site ::)... now... if you require cookies... i can see that workin then... you'd need some sort of error on your splash page about cookies then...

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yeah. I guess it depends how important it is that they have that cookie set. If it's not important and only a few users will make use of it by, perhaps visiting a certain page which requires it, then there's no need to require it on every page.

But I'm sure you've already considered that ;)

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sessions require cookies ;) not to hold the data... but to hold the string that relates to the servers' session file...


and their helpful for insignifigant things... like templates... languages... or settings of that source...

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session do require cookies but they also can be used via there own source so therefore

the browser with cookies off the session will still work that was my point.


so in essance session's out way cookies so in this case session should be used.

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you can also use sessions for that just give the session a critra name




example of sessions set but using them while crossbrowsing another page.


so the bills might be only shown in the admin page.


<?php session_start();

// these are my user sessions.


// this is my account sessions

//even tho i got the bill information in the sessions i will be able to see
//or use them on a bill page but at the same time nothink to do with the users sessions 
//even they are set to be used later.



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