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[SOLVED] $_GET variables from form and mod_rewrite - transform into directory structure?


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hi, all... i'm wondering if there's a way to send $_GET variables to a page in the same form as the mod_rewrite rules that i'm using. for example, this page:




is really this:




the form is on this page (under "search by release date"):




the form sends one select as the month and one select as the year. basically the question is: how can i take $_GET variables coming from that form ("month=01" and "year=2006") and turn it into the mod-rewrite emulated folder structure ("/01-2006")?


is there a mod_rewrite that can be done, or would i have to pass it through another script that transforms the $_GETs into the form i need and then redirect it to the proper version of the URL?



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is there a mod_rewrite that can be done, or would i have to pass it through another script that transforms the $_GETs into the form i need and then redirect it to the proper version of the URL?


just FYI, i solved my own problem at the end of my post - that's what i did - i turned the forms into POST instead of GET and created a passthrough script that redirects to the correct URL. it's actually a cool little technique and i made it a multi-purpose page so at the moment 5 different forms are using the passthrough.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Quick and Dirrty:


$year = $_GET['year'];
$month = $_GET['month'];
$url = "http://invincible.comics-database.com/database/comicsByReleaseDate/".$month."-".$year;


Use this as the whole page. You should expand on it to do some input checking on your $_GET variables, but this should basically be it.

Remember, no spaces or HTML before this code or you'll get the dreaded "Headers already sent" Error.


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