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Passing arguments to event handler functions


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Does anyone know how to pass arguments to event handler functions like 'window.onload = doSomething;'? Obviously in this case you can't because the onload handler needs the function address and not the result (which would be returned if we put parentheses and arguments in), but I find it very inconvenient that such a limitation exists and I feel like there's got to be some easy construct out there that I've just never heard of before that everyone else uses.


Any advice?




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hm.... Yeah, that's roughly what  I came up with (though it may be easier to say window.onload = function() { funcWithArgs(a1,a2) }), but then that still doesn't address the issue of actual variable arguments. I suppose I could always make them global variables or something, but that seems like a lot of clutter.


If that seems confusing, here's what I mean:



function doSomething(cha,fah) {
var scrpt = createNewScriptElement([scriptSource]);
scrpt.onload = doSomethingElse;



In this case, I'd like to pass variables cha and fah to the function "doSomethingElse," but the only way to do so is to make them global variables and pick them up from inside doSomethingElse.


Anyway, if that's the way it's gotta be then I'll live, but if anyone has any other ideas, let me know!



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Yeah... but how would you pass the variables before if they weren't global? Just out of curiosity.  I mean if you were able to do:

window.onLoad = function(a,b) {

Just wondering :).


I'm not sure what you are trying to accomplish so hard for me to figure out a solution (if there is any).

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