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[SOLVED] PHP Search Script, Having trouble.


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Hello, I am tryin to make a PHP script that searches a template database for eathier the name, serial or style. The problem I am having is when i enter the Name for a test, it doesn't bring up any result. I have information entered into the database, but when i type in Google in the name field, it doesnt find the row in the database that contains Google.com. Here is the code.




$cnx = mysql_connect('localhost', 'flaw_root', '****') or die ("Could not connect");

mysql_select_db('flaw',  $cnx) or die (mysql_error());




<form action="search.php" method="POST">

<table width="725" border="1" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">


    <td width="222">Name:</td>

    <td width="228">Serial:</td>

    <td width="205">Style:</td>

    <td width="60"> </td>



    <td><input type="text" name="name" id="name" /></td>


      <input type="text" name="serial" id="serial" />



      <select name="style" id="style">

        <option selected="selected">--Select Style --</option>

        <option value="clean">Clean</option>

        <option value="dark">Dark</option>

        <option value="light">Light</option>

        <option value="futuristic">Futuristic</option>

        <option value="vector">Vector</option>

        <option value="retro">Retro</option>




      <input type="hidden" name="search" value="true">

      <input type="submit" name="submit" id="submit" value="Search!" />








if($_POST['search'] == "true"){

$name = $_POST['name'];

$serial = $_POST['serial'];

$style = $_POST['style'];


$sql = "SELECT * FROM mytable WHERE name LIKE '% .$name. %' OR serial LIKE '$serial' OR style LIKE '$style' ORDER BY mytable_id DESC"; 

    $query = mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error()); 

    $row_sql = mysql_fetch_assoc($query); 

    $total = mysql_num_rows($query);


    if($total>0) {

  while ($row_sql = mysql_fetch_assoc($query)) {  //echo out the results 

    echo ''.$row_sql['name'].'<br />'.$row_sql['style'].''; 


} else {

echo "No results to display"; 





sorry to take your time.

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Looks to me like its just your dots(.) in the query. Try:


$sql = "SELECT * FROM mytable WHERE name LIKE '%$name%' OR serial LIKE '$serial' OR style LIKE '$style' ORDER BY mytable_id DESC";  


And just as a by the by, try and post code inside [ code][ /code] tags with full php opening tags so we get syntax highlighting - it makes it so much easier to read :)

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Sorry, couldnt remember the sytax for the code, tried to edit post but cant find it :P...ill give that a try and see if it works. Thanks



I tried that and get the same results, saying there are no results found and yet i know there is something in the row on that table.

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