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Need script to make sure wiki is loaded into an iframe hosted by my domain.


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I have a wiki application (wikimedia) that I am iframing in my site (which is .NET based). Since the wiki will have sensitive information in it and since anyone can go directly to the wiki if they know the address, without first having to login to the .NET based intranet in which it is being iframed, I'm looking at how to secure it without requiring users to login twice (once to my .NET based intranet and again to the PHP based wiki.


The thought came to me that if I put a PHP script in the wiki index page, which checks to see if it's parent location matches my domain URL, I can effectively require a user to be logged in to my intranet to see the wiki.


Can anyone help with the PHP script needed to do this? I could do it in javascript, but a user could just turn off javascript to gain entry...

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Im not convinced there is anyway to do this in PHP. The only idea i can come up with is to modify your login in .net to also call a php script. Im not sure if thats possible, having never used .net at all. I wonder if a php script could be called which would start a session. You could then check for the existance of the session in the php script in the wiki page.

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