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[SOLVED] delimiting timestamp queries to show only date, no time


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whohoo! It's been a blast here... have learned a lot and with the guidance of phpfreaks members, have actually made something decent on my website!


My next question has me swamped - I can't find anything on google or even searching the forums that comes remotely close to being understandable by me. I have a MySQL timestamp(current timestamp) I'm using to date every entry. HOWEVER, I can't figure out how to get rid of the time portion and only display the date.


Any help is much appreciated O Ye Mighty PHP Gods...!! ~Rich

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Can you post your code, please ?


If your using DATETIME in MySQL then you can just explode the space and then you have your date and time separately




$var = "01/01/2001 12:12:12";
list($date,$time) = explode(' ',$var);
echo $date; // should be 01/01/2001


Hope that helps ;D


~ Chocopi

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is it stored in the database at a DATETIME though so it looks like 00/00/0000 00:00:00 ???


If it is then


you can use my code by



$var = $row['time'];
list($date,$time) = explode(' ',$var);
echo $date;



if not please tell me what it is stored as


Hope it helps ;D


~ Chocopi

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OK - doesn't work..still displays the timestamp completely. here's the code to show it's applied;


mysql_select_db("GCsales") or die(mysql_error()); 
$data = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM GC_Tracker") 
or die(mysql_error()); 
Print "<table width=860 border=0 cellpadding=1 cellspacing=1 bgcolor=cccccc class=table_results>"; 
Print "<tr bgcolor=ccffcc>"; 
Print "<td width=35>Order</td>";
Print "<td width=150>Customer</td>";
Print "<td width=75>Phone</td>";
Print "<td width=50>Area</td>";
Print "<td width=75>City</td>";
Print "<td width=70>Amount</td>";
Print "<td width=100>1st Product</td>";
Print "<td>Created On</td></tr>";
while($info = mysql_fetch_array( $data )) 

Print "<tr bgcolor=ffffff>"; 
Print "<td>".$info['cid'] . "</td> ";
Print "<td>".$info['customer'] . "</td> "; 
Print "<td>".$info['phone'] . " </td>";
Print "<td>".$info['area'] . " </td>";
Print "<td>".$info['city'] . "</td> "; 
Print "<td>".$info['amount'] . " </td>";
Print "<td>".$info['prod1'] . " </td>";
$var = $info['time'];                                  // here it is
list($date,$time) = explode(' ',$var);               //here it is
Print "<td>".$var. " </td></tr>";                    //here it is
Print "</table>";
Print "<br>\n";
Print "<input type=Button name=printit value=print onclick=javascript:window.print();>\n"; 

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instead of using this


Print "<td>".$var. " </td></tr>"; //here it is




Print "<td>".$date." </td></tr>"; //here it is


as we have split $var into $date and $time and you want $date to be used


That should sort it ;D


~ Chocopi

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OK, I've put your code in Caesar and it keeps spitting out 1969 Dec, 31 even though I've rearranged the "Y, M, d" fields. Here's my use of code;

Print "<td>".$info['prod1'] . " </td>";
$formatstamp = date("Y, M, d",$info[time]); 
Print "<td>".$formatstamp. " </td></tr>"; 
Print "</table>";
Print "<br>\n";



If stored as a timestamp...you don't need to do a whole lot. In fact, works much nicer when it is a timestamp...




  $formatstamp = date("M d, Y",$info[time]);

  echo $formatstamp;



That's it.


Chocopi, your correction works like a champ! Thanks guys. ~Rich

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i sort it out within the SELECT command:

$query = "SELECT something, DATE_FORMAT(yourDate, ' %W %D %M %y') AS date FROM someTable";


and the only the date is printed with " $row['date'] ", which out puts like "Saturday 23rd May 07"


hope this helps

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MySQL says it's a timestamp with the default being current_timestamp.. I am using godaddy hosting MySQL 4.1. makes a difference?


and yes Chocopi I'd love to use Caesar's. I'm all for concision (yeah yeah, I know my code ain't great but as a n00b I gotta get things done before I make em perfect)



Hmmmglad you got it. Although if that didn't work..means your "timestamp" isn't really a timestamp. :-) It must be formatted or stored as an actual DATE.

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you could try:


 mysql_select_db("GCsales") or die(mysql_error()); 
$data = mysql_query("SELECT cid, customer, phone, area, DATE_FORMAT(time, ' %W %D %M %y') AS mydate, city,amount ,prod1 FROM GC_Tracker") 
or die(mysql_error()); 
Print "<table width=860 border=0 cellpadding=1 cellspacing=1 bgcolor=cccccc class=table_results>"; 
Print "<tr bgcolor=ccffcc>"; 
Print "<td width=35>Order</td>";
Print "<td width=150>Customer</td>";
Print "<td width=75>Phone</td>";
Print "<td width=50>Area</td>";
Print "<td width=75>City</td>";
Print "<td width=70>Amount</td>";
Print "<td width=100>1st Product</td>";
Print "<td>Created On</td></tr>";
while($info = mysql_fetch_array( $data )) 

Print "<tr bgcolor=ffffff>"; 
Print "<td>".$info['cid'] . "</td> ";
Print "<td>".$info['customer'] . "</td> "; 
Print "<td>".$info['phone'] . " </td>";
Print "<td>".$info['area'] . " </td>";
Print "<td>".$info['city'] . "</td> "; 
Print "<td>".$info['amount'] . " </td>";
Print "<td>".$info['prod1'] . " </td>";
Print "<td>".$info['mydate']. " </td></tr>";            //here it is
Print "</table>";
Print "<br>\n";
Print "<input type=Button name=printit value=print onclick=javascript:window.print();>\n"; 


Although you would have to place the order of the fields in the SELECT to match your db, as I have no idea so just improvised :-)

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