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I am in desperate need of securing my website. I have been hacked 3 times in the last month. The first time they shut down the site, Second put a redirect to another game site. This time they sped up all my crons and i had to do a reset. I am willing to pay for help with this matter. I can't afford much but i am willing to pay for help or if anyone knows someone that sells a good security system. Thanks

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i am a complete noob at all of this i jumped in over my head i still don't know php to even half way know what your talking about. Yes i know if i don't know it i shouldn't be running the site. I have had it for 7 months now and it was going really well till this last month. I was able to do basic things i just can't write code and all that stuff.

Well any files that store passwords the end users shouldn't be able to read.  Also make sure no one can read the roots of your foldres that will make easy access to passwords.  Also make sure your ftp is secure and the password is different from all others.  Make sure you make lots of back ups and track user's ips so you can pin point the person

also try posting a link to your site, I had a problem when i first started my site with security (i probably still have 500...) but i found out that thinking like a hacker and trying to hack my own site fixed the most prominent ones, so if you add a link here maybe somone will try to hack it (friendly hacking not destructive) and tell you how they did it if they secede...  my advice would be try changing your passwords to start and make sure that there not in files the suers can access.

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