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AJAX not working in IE


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I've a problem with my little ajax script. It works in Opera and after some tweaking in Firefox, but IE just shows nothing. I believe it may be something obvious, but I'm quite new to ajax and as a Linux user I generally don't use IE so I don't really know its limitations very well.

Here's the script's source:

function newsPager()
this.page = 1;
this.category = 'main';
this.totalPages = null;
this.perPage = 2;
this.order = "timestamp";
this.orderMode = "DESC";
this.xmlHTTP = null;
this.XMLData = null;

this.init = function()
		xmlHTTP = new XMLHttpRequest();
			xmlHTTP = new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP");
				xmlHTTP = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
				alert("You have such a shitty browser that it's AJAX-phoebic. Switch to Opera/Firefox");
	this.xmlHTTP = xmlHTTP;

this.stateChanged = function()

	if(xmlHTTP.readyState == 4)
		//alert("TP: "+ this.totalPages +"\nP: " + this.page );
		//document.getElementById('data').innerHTML = xmlHTTP.responseXML;
		var XMLData = xmlHTTP.responseXML;
		var htmlOutput = "<table cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0' border='0' width='100%'>\n";
		htmlOutput += "<tr><td class='withoutstyles'>\n";
		for(i = 0;i < XMLData.firstChild.childNodes.length;i++)
			var title = XMLData.firstChild.childNodes[i].getAttribute('title');
			var content = XMLData.firstChild.childNodes[i].firstChild.textContent;
			var autor = XMLData.firstChild.childNodes[i].getAttribute('author');
			var time = XMLData.firstChild.childNodes[i].getAttribute('timestamp')
			var id = XMLData.firstChild.childNodes[i].getAttribute('id')
			htmlOutput += "<tr><td class='withoutstyles'>";
			htmlOutput += "<span class='header'><img src='images/bullet.png' alt='' border='0' vspace='2' align='left' />"+title+"</span>\n"
			htmlOutput += "</td></tr><tr><td style='padding-left: 10px; border: none;'>";
			if(XMLData.firstChild.childNodes[i].getAttribute('img') == 'true')
				var imgURL = XMLData.firstChild.childNodes[i].getAttribute('imgURL');
				var bigImgURL = XMLData.firstChild.childNodes[i].getAttribute('bigImgURL');
				htmlOutput += "<a href='"+bigImgURL+"' rel='lightbox'><img border='0' style='padding-right: 10px;' align='left' src='"+ imgURL +"' /></a>";
			htmlOutput += "<p class='news' align='justify'>";
			htmlOutput += "<p class='news' align='justify'>";
			htmlOutput += content;
			htmlOutput += "</p>";
			htmlOutput += "<p align='right'><span class='signature'>";
			htmlOutput += "<b>autor: " + autor + "</b>; dodano: " + time;
			htmlOutput += "</p></span>";
			htmlOutput += "</td></tr>";
		this.page = XMLData.firstChild.getAttribute('page');
		this.totalPages = XMLData.firstChild.getAttribute('totalpages');
		htmlOutput += "<tr><td class='withoutstyles' height='12'> </td></tr>";
		htmlOutput += "<tr><td align='center' class='withoutstyles'>";
		if(this.page != 1)
			htmlOutput += "<a href=javascript:nP.prevPage()>poprzednia strona</a> ";
		for(i = 1;i<=this.totalPages;i++)
			if(i == this.page)
				htmlOutput += i+"  "
				htmlOutput += "<a href='javascript:nP.changePage("+i+")'>"+(i)+"</a>  "
		if(this.page != this.totalPages)
			htmlOutput += "<a href='javascript:nP.nextPage()'>nastepna strona</a>";
		htmlOutput += "</table>";
		document.getElementById('data').innerHTML = htmlOutput;

this.fetch = function()
	if(this.xmlHTTP == null)
		var url="core/pager/pager.php?mode=news&page="+this.page;
		var self = this;
		var page = this.page

this.changePage = function(page)
	this.page = page;

this.nextPage = function()

this.prevPage = function()

this.start = function()

this.changeCategory = function(category)
		this.category = category;

var nP = new newsPager();

My first guess would be that I use some kind of unsupported property or method in the part that deals with XML, but I don't have enough experiance with XML and JS to find the error even if it's there.

I'd be grateful for any help you can give

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