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Save Record Script not working - HELP!


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Hi guys,


I am costructing a booking form for work, and have almost all of the code working. The problem is, I had the 'save booking' page done, which would take the values from a form on another page, and add them to a database for use on the site. that worked perfectly, until i tried to add error checking into it, so that 2 things could not be booked at the same time/date/day etc.


Below is the code for the savebooking.php, and everything after the '} else { doesnot work, so it will not add records any more. any ideas?



$pagename	= "- Save Booking";

include( "./includes/header.php" );

// form post data vars

$self		 = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];
$roomname	 = $_POST['roomname'];
$roomid		 = $_POST['room'];
$date		 = $_POST['date'];
$week		 = $_POST['week'];
$day		 = $_POST['day'];
$period		 = $_POST['period'];
$year		 = $_POST['year'];
$subject	 = $_POST['subject'];
$name		 = $_POST['name'];

// end

// javascript redirector back to booking page
echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\">\n"
."function redirection(){\n"
    	."window.location=\"./" . $roomid . "_bookings.php\"\n"

echo "<body onLoad=\"setTimeout('redirection()', 7500)\">\n\n";
	$dbcnx=@mysql_connect( $dbhost, $dbuname, $dbpword )
		or die( "<center><font color=\"red\"><b>ERROR: Could not connect to server, username and/or password incorrect. Try Again</b></font></center>" );
	$rs=@mysql_select_db( $dbase, $dbcnx )
		or die( "<center><font color=\"red\"><b>ERROR: Could not select database, does not exist. Try Again</b></font></center>" );
	$sqlread="SELECT * FROM " . $roomid . "_bookings";
	$rsread=mysql_query( $sqlread, $dbcnx );

	while ( $rowread=mysql_fetch_array( $rsread ) ) {

		if ( $dateread == "$date" and $weekread == "$week" and $dayread == "$day" and $periodread == "$period" ) {

			echo "<table border=\"0\" width=\"90%\" cellpadding=\"5\" cellspacing=\"5\" align=\"center\">\n"
			."<tr><td align=\"left\" class=\"headerborder\" bgcolor=\"#cccccc\">Previous Booking Found</td><tr>\n"
			."<tr><td width=\"100%\" class=\"tableborder\" align=\"center\">\n\n"

				."<table border=\"0\" width=\"75%\" cellpadding=\"5\" cellspacing=\"5\" align=\"center\">\n"
				."<tr><td width=\"100%\">I'm sorry, but there is already a previous lesson timetabled for <b>$week</b>, <b>$day</b> <b>$date</b>, <b>$period</b>. Please return to the <a href=\"./" . $roomid . "_bookings.php\" target=\"_top\">" . $roomname . " Booking Sheet</a> and try again.</td></tr>\n"
				."<tr><td width=\"100%\">This page should automatically return to the $roomname booking page in approx. 7 seconds, if it does not, please <a href=\"./" . $roomid . "_bookings.php\" target=\"_top\">Click Here</a></td></tr>\n"


		} elseif ( $dateread != "$date" and $weekread !="$week" and $dayread != "$day" and $periodread != "$period" ) {

			if ( $date and $week and $day and $period and $year and $subject and $name ) { # ensure values exist
				$sqlin="INSERT INTO " . $roomid . "_bookings ( date, week, day, period, year, subject, name )
				values ( \"$date\", \"$week\", \"$day\", \"$period\", \"$year\", \"$subject\", \"$name\" )";
				$rsin=mysql_query( $sqlin, $dbcnx );

				echo "<table border=\"0\" width=\"90%\" cellpadding=\"5\" cellspacing=\"5\" align=\"center\">\n"
				."<tr><td align=\"left\" class=\"headerborder\" bgcolor=\"#cccccc\">Booking Saved</td><tr>\n"
				."<tr><td width=\"100%\" class=\"tableborder\" align=\"center\">\n\n"

					."<table border=\"0\" width=\"75%\" cellpadding=\"5\" cellspacing=\"5\" align=\"center\">\n"
					."<tr><td width=\"100%\">Thank you $name, your booking has been saved, and the details are shown below.</td></tr>\n"

					."<table border=\"0\" width=\"75%\" cellpadding=\"5\" cellspacing=\"5\" align=\"center\" class=\"tableborder\">\n"
					."<tr><td width=\"25%\" align=\"right\">Room:</td><td width=\"35%\" align=\"left\"><b>$roomname</b></td><td width=\"15%\" align=\"right\">Date:</td><td width=\"25%\" align=\"left\"><b>$date</b></td></tr>\n"
					."<tr><td align=\"right\">Week:</td><td align=\"left\" colspan=\"3\"><b>$week</b></td></tr>\n"
					."<tr><td align=\"right\">Day:</td><td align=\"left\"><b>$day</b></td><td align=\"right\">Period:</td><td align=\"left\"><b>$period</b></td></tr>\n"
					."<tr><td align=\"right\">Year Group:</td><td align=\"left\"><b>$year</b></td><td align=\"right\">Subject:</td><td align=\"left\"><b>$subject</b></td></tr>\n"
					."<tr><td align=\"right\">Teacher:</td><td align=\"left\" colspan=\"3\"><b>$name</b></td></tr>\n"


				."<tr><td width=\"100%\">This page should automatically return to the $roomname booking page in approx. 7 seconds, if it does not, please <a href=\"./" . $roomid . "_bookings.php\" target=\"_top\">Click Here</a></td></tr>\n"





include( "./includes/footer.php" );



Thanks Guys



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