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PHP newbie here.


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Hello PHP world. I just joined you today, and i like what i see.

But i have a few questions.

I'm working on an existing website and it uses php for its main links. Now there is an .html file and an .php file. I was wondering how i get the main one, which is the php file to show the changes i have done.

If you need any other information, i'll be here typing away code and trying to figure this one out.


So far the html and php files look identical.

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Question is vague. Do you want it to say "Recent changes to the file are" (which would be impossible without a database keeping track of saved versions.) or what?


Please expand on the question and post relevant code.

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It's pretty much an open ended question. We don't know what is in your html file. ;-)


Unless your server is setup to parse PHP in files with .html extensions, you would simply link to PHP pages from your HTML file, or load them in frames (teh sux0rz).

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Well the problem is i am so new, as in this morning, i dont know the questions to ask.

What i believe the previous web master did was...simply use the php files as html files.

Thats fine. But when i edit a .php file that has html in it, i am not sure how i would see the changes.

The links are pretty much like "events.php" and such.

What i want to do is be able to update the php files, that have html in them and view the changes.

The .html files that are also there are a mirror of the other files. Exactly the same.

There is only one page with any kind of code other then html. And its not really relevant to anything i am doing.


So to repeat maybe a little more clearly, I want to apply my edits to the .php files.

I want to view the changes.

How would i view the changes i make to the php files?

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well i didnt want to upload my changes as i didnt know enough about php to be confident with my changes.

What i did was make a new test.html and tried it. Same files, but the ones with the test lost all their css and formating :(

I'm going to need to think why.

From what i can tell the php is used only for a login system for people.

It doesnt serve any other purpose then to present html for now.

Ya ok i figured out why the formating got dropped.

If this works then i think i am good for now.


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Ok heres an update.

When i try to access the html file via the ftp program, it wont load the formatting.

When i load the website itself, the formatting is applied. That is if i view it from the start homepage.

What i need to know is how do i apply the formating that i only get when i view the .php file. As in i click the link which reads as a php extension?

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What i need to know is how do i apply the formating that i only get when i view the .php file. As in i click the link which reads as a php extension?


We would need to see the code. Because at this point...still not understanding what it is you are trying to do. Not your fault...but since you don't know what's going on, I'm sure it's just a question...of askin the right questions.  ;)

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I've got the previous ones figured out. It was all about the destination of the .dwt and css files. Since i have 3 versiosn running i got some files mixed up. my fault.

Now i'm trying to modify the webpages so they ALL have .html now instead of .php.

No clue why it wont update, i changed the .dwt file in dreamweaver to be .html. But none of the other websites took it on as the new template. rather annoying.

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