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post values and pagination


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I have a form that submits a search, and then grabs some info from a mysql database.



//creates the next and previous buttons to only show 10 messages
if($c == 0)
    echo("  |  ");
    echo('<a href="?c=' . $c = $c + 10 . '">Next</a>');
    echo('<a href="?c=' . ($c - 10) . '">Previous</a>'); 
    echo("  |  ");
    echo('<a href="?c=' . ($c + 10) . '">Next</a>');    



this renders out the next/previous buttons and $c sends the new value to the mySQL query:


$search_query = mysql_query('SELECT * FROM `entries` WHERE `' . $table . '` LIKE "%' . $search .'%" ORDER BY `ID` ASC LIMIT ' . $c . ', 10') or die(mysql_error());


Once i click on "next", the POST values are cleared and the mySQL renders out nothing.


How can i make the POST values stay for multiple pages?

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You could use sessions obviously like frost said, or you could just add a get variable into the url


echo('<a href="?c=' . $c = $c + 10 . '&post_value_identifier=post_values_you_want_to_keep>Next</a>');


$keptmypostvalue = ($_GET['post_value_identifier']);


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thanks for the replies.


i'm still having problems, when i click on either button, the page refreshes with the new $c value, but doesn't execute the mysql string.


here is the code:


$c = 0 + $_GET[c];

$search = $_POST[search];
$table = $_POST[search_param];
$have_submitted = $_POST[have_submitted];

//saves the POST value
    $search = $_GET[s];



$info = perform_search($search, $table, $c);

//creates the next and previous buttons to only show 10 messages
if($c == 0)
    echo("  |  ");
    echo('<a href="?c=' . $c = $c + 10 . '&s=' . $search . '">Next</a>');
    echo('<a href="?c=' . ($c - 10) . '&s=' . $search . '">Previous</a>'); 
    echo("  |  ");
    echo('<a href="?c=' . ($c + 10) . '&s=' . $search . '">Next</a>');    

//loops out all the entries
while($info = mysql_fetch_row($search_query))
    echo '<div class="entry">';
    echo '<h2>' . $info[1] . ' ' . $info[2] . '</h2>'; //name
    echo '<h4>'. $info[3] .', '. $info[4] .', Ontario</h4>';    
echo '<div class="bluebox">';    
    echo '<div class="info_nav">
            ' . toggle_info() . '
            <div class="square"><img src="images/icons/phone.gif" height="16px" width="16px" alt="" title="Phone Number" /> <p>(807) <!--format_phone(204, $info[5])--> '. $info[5] . '</p></div>
            <div class="square"><a href=""><img src="images/icons/map.gif" height="16px" width="16px" alt="" title="View Map" /></a></div>           
            <div class="square"><a href="http://www.vantagestudios.ca"><img src="images/icons/monitor_go.gif" height="16px" width="16px" alt="" title="Goto Website" /></a></div>
            <div class="square"><a href=""><img src="images/icons/email_go.gif" height="16px" width="16px" alt="" title="Send Email" /></a></div>
    </div></div>'; //navigation
    echo '<div id="info' . $info[0] . '" style="display: none; width: 510px;">';
    echo '<div class="infoimages">
    <a href="http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&hl=en&geocode=&q='. $info[3] .',+'. $info[4] .',+Ontario" title="See a Map"><img src="images/map.gif" alt="Map" title="See a Map" />
    <p><a href="http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&hl=en&geocode=&q='. $info[3] .',+'. $info[4] .',+Ontario" title="See a Map">See a Map</p></a>
    <a href="images/ad.jpg" rel="lightbox" title=""><img src="images/ad_small.jpg" alt="Map" title="View Advertisement" /></a>
    <p><a href="images/ad.jpg" rel="lightbox" title="">View Advertisement</a></p>
    echo '<div class="infotext">';

    echo "<h3>(807) " . $info[5] . "</h3>"; //phone
    echo '<div class="addy">';
    echo '<p><strong>' . $info[1] . ' ' . $info[2] . '</p></strong>'; //name
    echo "<p>" . $info[3] . "</p>"; //address
    echo "<p>" . $info[4] . ", Ontario</p>"; //city
    echo "<p>P8N 3G2</p>";
    echo '</div>';
    echo '<div class="extras">';
    echo "<p><strong>Fax:</strong> (807) " . $info[9] . "</p>"; //fax
    echo '<p><strong>Website:</strong> <a href="http://www.vantagestudios.ca" title="Visit Website">www.vantagestudios.ca</a></p>';
    echo '<p><strong>E-mail:</strong> <a href="mailto:test@test.com" title="Send an E-mail">test@test.com</a></p>';
    echo '</div>';

    //echo "<p>" . format_phone(204, $info[5]) . "</p>"; 
   	echo '</div>';
    echo '</div>';
    echo '</div>';




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