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software requirements?


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Hi guys,


i need some help on what are the softwares that i need to install on my server to setup a video blog system?

This site will allow that user to upload videos on their blogs and played in flash player.


I am a PHP newbie and this is my 1st project .


Pls help me and give any suggestions.



Thanks in advance.  :(

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ok..i did something similar to this, however what i used were:





however i did not use flash to play my videos



Thanks for the reply, What software did you use to play videos? or you only embed the videos?

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Try using Apache or

Google: WampServer



Also using Html, Mysql and php.


Mysql is to embed a popular video player. You could use flash if you can make a flash player from scratch. Then using mysql to read from the database if you have a wide selection of files pick the Video from ID and the php organizes and executes the main code. While the Mysql is used for storage. Something like this takes dedication and work. I know this for sure.


Google embedding video players etc. This should help you out. or take a full course on html if you don't know it already.


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barely none. But if you plan to  run long term you'll need alot of Ram and some processor speed. Maybe. Also a decent internet speed if your streaming videos. You'll need over 700 KBs mostly in the 1Mbs-7MBs depending on the ammount of connecting users dailys.

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