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[SOLVED] query help - select distinct and sort


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ok this is my current query. Not a good start, because there is already a syntax error, but it should give you an idea of what I want to do:


$result = dbquery("SELECT DISTINCT ip FROM fusion_ip LIMIT $rowstart,20");


Basicaly my website records every ip a user has logged on from and keeps it saved in a table called fusion_ip.


The columns for the table are ip_id (a auto increment id assigned to each ip), ip (the ip) and user_id (the id of the user the ip belongs to).


As an example, the db may look like this









What I am trying to do is make a list of every IP and sort them by the most active. So the list would look like this:


[____IP____][_Users Using This Ip__]



etc. etc.


So how the hell would I make a query capable of accomplishing this?


EDIT: im guessing a i need a SUM() somewhere in there, or an order by?

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Ok I came up with this (it doesnt work, but I feel it's a step in the right direction)


$result = dbquery("SELECT DISTINCT ip,SUM(ip) AS ip_count FROM fusion_ip LIMIT $rowstart,20 ORDER BY ip_count, DESC");


edit: still cant get it to work  ???  :-[

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Why are you summing the IP, that will essentially add up the ips together...


$result = dbquery("SELECT ip, COUNT(ip) AS ip_count FROM fusion_ip GROUP BY ip ORDER BY ip_count DESC LIMIT $rowstart,20");


Not sure if my sql is correct, but that is the idea, you want to use the GROUP BY Expression with the COUNT expression

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