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Old Code Vs New Code - Language Syntax Change?


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Hi All,


I've recently begun programming PHP again and have found my old code doesn't work anymore. It's been a few years since my code was written, and simple functions don't seem to be working. I've done a bit of research into the syntax again and found the following;


I used to use a function as such;




Now I've seen alot of the syntax is




And referencing variables from the form is as such;




Where previously I could reference them in the simple form;




Has there been a language syntax change that would cause my old code to be obsolete? Is there a configuration line that could be changed to allow this old code to work?


Your assistance would be greatly appreciated! I'm going mad I tell you!






P.S Same ISP, Different Version of PHP

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Thanks Barand.. is there any reference material you could guide me to to understand the security issues, and thus if it's worth requesting the ISP switch Register_Globals back on? Or of course, you opinion on switching Register_Globals back on?

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