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how to learn php?


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Get proficient with HTML first then work on PHP as PHP basically just builds your HTML.


There are countless sources where you can download sample scripts to play with and many forums including this one to come and ask questions when you get stuck.




They have very easy to follow tutorials to learn PHP from.


To actually use PHP you'll either have to install laods of software to run it from your computer or do as I do and instead upload code straight to some web space and run it from there.

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how to learn, do i get a book, read source code , or? how much html do i need to know, i know some basic stuff, urls, heading, newlines,< p > etc


I've read a few php books, and the one I am reading now is really good. It really helps you understand some of the core functionality of php. It's called "programming php" and its partially written by the dude that invented php. It's definately worth the money.


Programming PHP on Amazon.com

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Hmm.. From what I think, you don't really need to know much about html, maybe just few basic html. I don't really understand much about html, but if you want to learn php what most important is practice, practice and practice..

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