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Full-text searching two tables


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I'm trying to create a full-text search engine for my blog.  I read the tutorial, and I grasp the basics of how to search a single table.  However, when a user enters a search term, I want to search both the table of blog posts (vsns_news) and the table of comments (vsns_comments) for the term and treat the results on equal footing.  That is, I don't want to display first the results from blog posts and then the results from comments: they should intermingle in order of decreasing relevancy.


However, I can't for the life of me come up with a query that will search both tables and return a combined result set for them.  Is there a way to use just one query?

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Just a stab in the dark but on the line FROM Table name try FROM TABLE1 and TABLE 2 WHERE Field Like $criteria

fyi though this will require that the field name be the same in both tables

The field name is not going to be the same in both tables--in fact, I am searching against multiple fields.


This is one way I tried it:

SELECT *, MATCH (vsns_news.heading, vsns_news.content) AGAINST ('" . $term . "') as news_score, MATCH (vsns_comments.comment) AGAINST ('" . $term . "') as comment_score FROM vsns_news, vsns_comments WHERE MATCH (vsns_news.heading, vsns_news.content) AGAINST ('" . $term . "') OR MATCH (vsns_comments.comment) AGAINST ('" . $term . "') AND vsns_comments.queue = '0' AND vsns_news.queue = '0' ORDER BY news_score, comment_score DESC LIMIT $from, $results


I know it's a horrific statement; at this point I was just fiddling with things to see if I could get a good result.

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I'm aware of the purpose of a table join. ;)  I'm just not sure how I would format my MATCH () ... AGAINST () statements in an SQL query with a table join ... it's a sight more complex than I've ever done.


The news table, vsns_news, has an ID field and vsns_comments has an article_id field that corresponds to the matching ID in a record in vsns_news.  So matching up the tables is no problem.

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