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[SOLVED] is this a valid mysql selection?


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I have these selections in 1 file that the user is able to configure themselves via a form in their control panel....I've got it all working but I was wondering if this is a good way of doing it or not...



$bandnamesql = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM config WHERE config_name = 'bandname'");
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($bandnamesql))
 $bandname = $row['config_value'];  

$copyrightsql = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM config WHERE config_name = 'copyright'");
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($copyrightsql))
 $copyright = $row['config_value'];  



I posted this in the PHP help forum by accident and someone said something about using "OR" for the last 2 selections to increase performance...any help would be appreciated.

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I started messing around a bit, and am now using this:


$configsql = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM config 
                          WHERE config_name = 'bandname'
                          OR config_name = 'copyright'
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($configsql))
  if ($row['config_name'] == 'bandname')
  $bandname = $row['config_value'];
  if ($row['config_name'] == 'copyright')
  $copyright = $row['config_value'];


This look better?

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I'm confused... where is the column that indicates which band these settings are pertinent to, or is this a cms application where the assumption is that someone will run this application on their website?


The answer to your specific question is that I would probably just select all settings, and I would write a routine that would read all these settings into an array.  With that said, if you want to stay with what you have, the 2nd approach is definately an improvement (one query vs. 2) .

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I'm confused... where is the column that indicates which band these settings are pertinent to, or is this a cms application where the assumption is that someone will run this application on their website?


The answer to your specific question is that I would probably just select all settings, and I would write a routine that would read all these settings into an array.  With that said, if you want to stay with what you have, the 2nd approach is definately an improvement (one query vs. 2) .


Well I am really new to PHP and MySQL, so I have made it so this would be run as a bands web site. I will look into arrays and MySQL selections to improve my code, thanks for the input.

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