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Advance paypal quistion.


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Advance thank you.


Hi there all i am creating a shop script and it all done for my part, but i got a reel problam

this is the problam.


A client join's up, The client want's to sell his products, But i the website needs to no the

product,price date ect ect there selling to the buyer.


Now i use paypal in the code already to get my little cummision for them to sell the product

but i have set that up throw my own business paypal account and set the account to

post back the payment deatails to me, using the ipn for php.


so my quistion is how do i get the post back of the payment sent to there buyer.


does anyone no.



ps. If you think about it, If i take the payment then foward it to the current buyer then i be taxed

for the current sale, and aslo that dosent sound right to me that i got to take the user's payment then

give it to the buyer does it unsafe far as i am concered?


I thort maybe a big maybe there's a php hidden code out there that enables me to get the post back of

the buyers payment's and deatails becouse i can match the user's deatals if that true then i understand but

otherwise i am lost.


Thanks for helping cheers.


if you no off any such code to get the buyers post back to be foward to the website there part off then

please advise me or maybe there a configureration on paypal ive neaver seen.

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