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new to php.general help


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i'm starting to learn php and have played with a few emailers in the past but i want to now try and make a log in type thing for my site,i know thers a load of tutorials out on the web but they all seem to use MySQL and i haven't a clue what it is or does.does my server have to have MySQL enabled like it does with php?or is MySQL part of php? any info on this would be great if anyone can help? and also is a log-in script hard for a beginner to php (not programming) ? thanks

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MySQL is a database - it is not part of php. However, chances are, if your server has php installed then it will also have mysql installed. If you create a php file with just this in:


And run it on your server, you should find a section on mysql. If so, mysql is installed.


You dont have to use mysql - there are other databases. However, most people do tend to use it. On the otherhand, you dont HAVE to use a database at all. You COULD use text files. However, you'll probably find it far easier to use mysql anyway - working with text files isn't the easiest thing.


Membership systems probably aren't too hard a thing to learn, although it does depend on how much you have done already. You might find it better to try and write a few little things, and perhaps get used to using mysql a bit, before you try. However, having something which you're aiming to do will probably help you learn.



There's an introduction to mysql here:


And a tutorial on membership systems here:


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