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So... just how solid is max_execution_time?


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header( "content-disposition: attachment" );
$foo = md5( "foo" );
while ( 1 < 2 )
echo( "$foo\n" );


Inexplicably, the code above (and that code alone) blows straight past max_execution_time's 30sec limit and goes on for, as far as I can tell, infinity. Or until a server tech notices. Any ideas why?


I wrote up a more detailed dissertation at ikebowen.com; would appreciate it if you guys would take a look. I promise this isn't a site plug, I'm just seriously confounded. This has very little implications on anything, but it's really starting to annoy. Makes no sense at all.

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I have a simelar problem, just phph isnt executing your code... so i would suggest:



while ( 1 < 2 )
echo( "$foo\n" );



$display = md5('foo');
$max = 2; // max amoutn of times to run this query.
for($i=0; $i<$max; $i++)     $display .= $display;  // starts from 0, and keeps repeating until it hits the max. ie: value of $max
echo $display;

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I believe ike's issue wasn't getting the code to run twice or whatever $max is;


while ( 1 < 2 )
echo( "$foo\n" );


simply blows past max_execution_time and will not terminate when expected (after 30 seconds).  It is a curious thing?




while ( 1 < 2)

is an infinite conditional statement (it can never be reached where 1 > 2; the statement will keep repeating) until..well..until max_execution_time stops it at 30 seconds or whatever that's set to and then it should terminate, however it isn't killing the thread.

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I believe ike's issue wasn't getting the code to run twice or whatever $max is;


I understand now. sorry :)

& I'm not completely sure, but it could be changed

by checking PhpInfo for the name or title

and use...


ini_set('max_execution_time', '30');



Make sure that is added at the top of any page..

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