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Sorting & Editing a Multidimensional Array


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Greetings all.  I'm trying to figure out a way to sort and edit a multidimensional array.  For example, suppose I have a list of fruits and their corresponding prices in this multidimensional array...


$MyArray = Array(

Array('apple', '15'),
Array('orange', '26'),
Array('pear', '22'),
Array('banana', '13'),
Array('banana', '40')



My goal is to extract the lowest cost entry of each fruit.  So, given the example, in the end, I would like to have a new array that would be something like,


$newArray = Array(

Array('apple', '15'),
Array('banana', '15'),
Array('orange', '26'),
Array('pear', '22'),



My first thought was to do something such as sorting $MyArray by the price values in ascending order, and then possibly using the in_array() function in a loop to write $newArray.  The problem is, I don't know how to implement in_array() with multidimensional arrays.  Any suggestions?  Or is there perhaps a more elegant way to accomplish this altogheter?  Thanks in advance for any help offered.

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Why make it a multi Dimensional array?


$fruit_array = array("apple" => 20, "banana" => 15); // ....etc


Than you can sort it by the key (which is alphabetical) or by the value (which is numeric) using the regular www.php.net/sort functions.

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You really have to re-arrange your data before you can do anything with it. I came up with:


$myarray = Array(

Array('apple', '15'),
Array('orange', '26'),
Array('pear', '22'),
Array('banana', '13'),
Array('banana', '40')

$items = array();
foreach($myarray as $key => $value){//rearrange array into a more useful form. We have an array containing an array of each of the prices for a given item
$items["$value[0]"][] = $value[1];
foreach($items as $key => $value){//cycle through each item. Sort the prices
echo "The cheapest $key costs $value[0]<br />";



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Thanks Frost110, but suppose there are more than two elements in each sub-array.  Suppose it was something like...


$myArray = Array(




Then what would be the best route to take?

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It depends.


I would do a different array structure


// this is structured for items
$fruity = array(0 => array("name" => "apple", "price" => 20, "source" => 1), 1 => array("name" => "orange", "price" => 15, "source" => 2));

// a different approach
$fruity = array("apple" => array("name" => "apple", "price" => 20, "source" => 1), "orange" => array("name" => "orange", "price" => 15, "source" => 2));


As to sorting them, I would check the user comments for the sort features. If not the way I would do it is loop through the array and specify an index name in a function and put all those into their own array with the appropriate index. Sort by that and than restructure a new array by that.

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$myArray = Array(

$tmp = array();
$out = array();

foreach ($myArray as $v) if (!array_key_exists($v[0],$tmp) or $v[1] < $tmp[$v[0]][1]) $tmp[$v[0]] = $v;
foreach ($tmp as $v) $out[] = $v; 


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Sort the array first by fruit,price then loop through the array printing first price for each item

$MyArray = Array(

Array('apple', 20),
Array('apple', 15),
Array('orange', 26),
Array('pear', 22),
Array('banana', 13),
Array('banana', 40)


function mysort($a, $b)
    if ($a[0] == $b[0])
         if ($a[1] == $b[1]) return 0;
         return ($a[1] < $b[1]) ? -1 : 1;
    return ($a[0] < $b[0]) ? -1 : 1;

usort ($MyArray, 'mysort');

$prev = '';
foreach ($MyArray as $f)
    if ($f[0] != $prev)
        echo "$f[0] $f[1]<br>";
        $prev = $f[0];



~GingerRobot, before you ask ;)


GingerRobot time 0.038582

Barand time 0.000204

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