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[SOLVED] Session problem


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I'm making an oop site on PHP 5/Apache 2/WinXP. I tested the session system of php with a simple script to start a session and firstly echo that this is a new session and then set a $_SESSION["used"] variable to something that the next time the page opens it indicates that this variable is set to something and this session is old. Ok. It works. But when i start a session in my new site's scripts the session is registered, there is a session file, there is a session cookie (PHPSESSID), the session opens with the same ID every time I run the script, but I can't set any data in $_SESSION. I even tried this:

$_SESSION["BLA"] = "MU"; 

And it output Array ( ) !!!  ??? >:(:o :-\ Any ideas?

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Have you added session_start(); at the start of the code?


$_SESSION["BLA"] = "MU";



thats what hes/shes pointing out^^^

even if he initialize that still no work mmmmm no need for start

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thats what hes/shes pointing out^^^

even if he initialize that still no work mmmmm no need for start


I could see no mention that this had been added!!!


I've never used PHP & MySQL installed on a local machine so I have no idea how it works compared to live web space - sorry I can't help here :(

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Have you added session_start(); at the start of the code?


$_SESSION["BLA"] = "MU";



thats what hes/shes pointing out^^^

even if he initialize that still no work mmmmm no need for start

This was just a fraction of code... which outputs something abnormal


can you show me the piece of code

Here is some...

require_once("config.php");//зареждане на mySQL настройки
require_once("functions.php");//зареждане на базови функции
define("BASEDIR", getBasedir($_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]));//дефиниране на "нулева" директория
if (is_array($mysql)) {
$db = new mySQL($mysql["host"], $mysql["user"], $mysql["pass"], $mysql["db"]);
$db_prefix = $mysql["db_prefix"];
else die("mySQL конгигурацията е невалидна");
//инициализиране на връзка с база данни
$query = $db->dbquery("SELECT * FROM ".$db_prefix."settings");
if ($query) {
$settings = $db->dbarray();
if (is_array($settings)) {
	$_SESSION["shit"] == "MUUU";
else die("Невалидни настройки");
else die("Невалидни настройки");
//извличане на настройки и инициализиране на сесия

The script passes to the session_start() and when it comes to print_r, it spits out only "Array ( )"

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Oohohohohoho Oh my god... That was a new one...  ;D heah... thanks... I'm really blind in that time of the night... oh god...  ;D reeeeally nice one... it was the "==" darn I must stop copy paste from anywhere I see a reiterate code.. when copy something from IF (..) and just change the variable.. this is what you get...  ;) Hm... I guess I need to get some sleep... It's 02:33 AM here and I'm getting really buggy... Good night all... Thanks!  ;)

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