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So I am looking into doing some online applications - I have already written quite a bit of it - and the clients are requesting more and more stuff to be added.


I figured - if I had some sort of GRID I could deal with their requests for data handling way easier.

So I looked into AJAX and PHP grids, which looks cool so far.

Then my boss (a vb6 guru) proposed an interesting question to me.

Can PHP load objects from other languages?

In Visual Basic 6 - there is an object we have called UltraGrid - which does exactly what I need.

This object can be loaded in ASP (according to the boss) - and I was wondering...


How would one go about loading a Visual Basic 6 Object onto their page?


Is this possible - because if it is...my head is going to explode...

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It can be loaded in ASP because ASP and VB6 are part of the same framework and developed by the same company. Of course it would work there.


I highly doubt that code would be compatible with PHP due to the fact that PHP people do not like the .NET community and the .NET community do not like PHP people.


I think you are SOL. (vb6 really sucks to be honest) lol I hate VB coding it is so lame. Grrrrr....



I had to code for VB for a job, and hated it. I didn't mind c# but VB really takes ALL of the phone out of programming by using terms if not x = 1 then etc. I like to use regular syntax, after all we are not writing a book.


Anyhow end of my rant.

Hmmm...I should look into seeing whether one can load the object via COM...that's how I am connecting via ADODB...so it might work.

I doubt it though - I can't possibly imagine that this would work.

If it did...how come I haven't seen anyone else do it?

Didn't know barand's grid cost money...wait it doesn't!


As for finding the right code, it could cost money but chances are someone else already did it and it is freely distributed. Just have to find to right place to get it =)


The better part of this, if you learn PHP programming you can code it yourself and open it up as open source to save everyone the hassle of buying it! =)

True enough frost :)

I made an assumption when I saw the word "product".


On a random side note - Barrand - I am going through your code - noticed you don't allow for a SELECT * FROM in the sql...

You parse through the SQL statement for the table headers?

Interesting idea - had not though of doing that.

I can use


$sql_query_string = "SELECT Top 10 CustNum FROM CRMActivity";


and I get results.


If I use


$sql_query_string = "SELECT * FROM CRMActivity";


no results are produced as far as I can tell.


Either way - it's still well written.


I am going to make some modifications to it to suit my needs.

I am going to tie AJAX into it  8)

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