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Security Code Question


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Have mine I made:

/* makeimg.php v1.00
** Written by Ivan Oliver (11-Jun-2007)
  for ($i=1;$i<7;$i++) {$strText.=substr($chars,mt_rand(0,strlen($chars)-1),1);}
  header("Content-type: image/png");
  //$img=imagecreatetruecolor($imgWidth,$imgHeight); //22
  for ($i=0;$i<strlen($strText);$i++) {

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btw... here it is in action:




Refresh the page to see it change.


EDIT: Forgot to mention that $chars has the character allowed in the code. Note that I removed some letters like lower case "L" and capital "O" to prevent them being confused with the numbers.


You'll need to upload a TrueType font file (TTF) to the server (in thisd case, Times.

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Yes, upload one from C:\WINDOWS\Fonts\ or C:\WINNT\Fonts\


Just upload it in binary mode and be sure to point the PHP script to the right place.


The script generates a PNG file for maximum quality with the image.


No security risk - all it is is just a data file containg font information.

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Have mine I made:

/* makeimg.php v1.00
** Written by Ivan Oliver (11-Jun-2007)
  for ($i=1;$i<7;$i++) {$strText.=substr($chars,mt_rand(0,strlen($chars)-1),1);}
  header("Content-type: image/png");
  //$img=imagecreatetruecolor($imgWidth,$imgHeight); //22
  for ($i=0;$i<strlen($strText);$i++) {


Thanks that saves me the programming time to figure out how to code it then writing it lol.

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