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Need a bit of query help


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I have 3 tables: featured1, featured2, featured3 that all contain identical field names (id, image, title, blurb, link). The data from these will be displayed in a single column table in respective rows. What i'm trying to do is to create an 'include' file to place into the page. Where i'm a bit stuck is how I can query all 3 tables and display the contents properly since the fieldnames are identical.


All I have so far is:


// run query to get data to display
include 'db_config2.inc.php';
$sql = "SELECT * FROM featured1, featured2, featured3";
$results = mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error());

echo "<fieldset><legend>Featured Properties</legend>";
echo "<table width='100%' border='0' cellspacing='4'>";
echo "<tr><td style='color: #FFFFFF; border: 2px solid #FFFFFF; background-color: #F3F3F3'>
              <p class='featured'><span lang='en-us'>Property One</span></p>
              <p class='bodytext' align='center'>
              <img border='0' src='images/featured1.jpg' width='160' height='100'><br>
              <span lang='en-us'>This hot property is ready to move into. Give 
              us a call today!</span></td></tr>
              <td style='color: #FFFFFF; border: 2px solid #FFFFFF; background-color: #F3F3F3'>
              <p class='featured'><span lang='en-us'>Property Two</span></p>
              <p class='bodytext' align='center'>
              <img border='0' src='images/featured2.jpg' width='160' height='100'><br>
              <span lang='en-us'>This hot property is ready to move into. Give 
              us a call today!</span></td></tr>
              <td style='color: #FFFFFF; border: 2px solid #FFFFFF; background-color: #F3F3F3'>
              <p class='featured'><span lang='en-us'>Property Three</span></p>
              <p class='bodytext' align='center'>
              <img border='0' src='images/featured2.jpg' width='160' height='100'><span lang='en-us'><br>
              This hot property is ready to move into. Give us a call today!</span></td></tr>";
echo "</table>";
echo "</fieldset>";

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try using UNION


$query = "(select * from featured1) UNION (select * from featured2) UNION (select * from featured3)"

Ok, question on this. The UNION aspect of the query works fine. Now what I need is a bit of guidance on how i'd handle the 3 arrays of this query so that I can display the items in the HTML code. Anyone?


what ?

the above code returns same as when u use the single select


can you explain a bit more

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Ok, i'll clarify. There's 3 tables, 3 sets of results. In order to display those in my HTML  I would typically use a mysql_fetch_array something like:


while($row = mysql_fetch_array($query)) {

echo ".$row['title'].";


But since all three tables return a field named 'title' how do I separate those in the display?

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Well, if i'm not mistaken, the JOIN matches data against tables like WHERE a.id = b.id or similar. The way I understand UNION is it makes multiple selects and turns them into one.


Basically I have 3 tables displaying similar data with identical field names. I'm trying to figure out the best way to:


1. query all 3 at once instead of individually

2. how to display the data once queried

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when u use union then what you mean ther is to have an array (if use the fetch assoc or array)

containing the fields of those table


so when you display them its the combination of the three


but the way i see your question it seems like you need to use something like insert the all that union in the select and thats not proper although it will work

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select combine.putherethefields from(select id from featured1) UNION (select * from featured2) UNION (select * from featured3)as combine


ad some condition to where abd order by etc


select the select? ^^ that will work

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