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Hello new here  ::)


Can someone direct me to a page saying what the rules are for the backslashes being added by PHP?  I read somewhere that they're automatically done for $_POST and $_GET, but I have the following:


//get timestamp
$timestamp = time();

//get form data
$headline = $_POST['headline'];
$newsText = $_POST['newsText'];

//set query
$query = "INSERT INTO news VALUES('','$timestamp','$headline','$newsText')";

//connect to mysql

//select db
@mysql_select_db($database) or die("Unable to select database");



echo "$query";


and the MySQL query keeps failing because I've written an apostrophe.  Took me ages to work out what it was  :-[.  If it isn't going to be consistent is there any way of stripping the functionality so I can code my own str_replace to deal with it?  I seriously almost posted a giant post at the MySQL section with all my code before it clicked... I'm new at all this..





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Change these lines:


//get form data
$headline = $_POST['headline'];
$newsText = $_POST['newsText'];





//get form data
$headline = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['headline']);
$newsText = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['newsText']);



The mysql_real_escape_string() function will escape any characters needed to be escaped, and protect them from sql injections.


Ok that worked fine on the local test server, but when I put it online it's started escaping the single and double quotes too much, and the backslashes are starting to appear in the html output (just one before each " and ').  The local version I'm running is PHP 4.3.10 and the online version is PHP 4.4.7


This is a sample of the code used to update things:


//get timestamp
$timestamp = time();

//hidden data
$catagory = $_POST['catagory'];
$aboutId = $_POST['id'];
$URL = $_POST['url'];

//connect to mysql

//select db
@mysql_select_db($database) or die("Unable to select database");

//get form data
$name = $_POST['name'];
$commentText = $_POST['commentText'];

//parse comment
$name = parseText($name,false,true);
$commentText = parseText($commentText,true,true);

$name = mysql_real_escape_string($name);
$commentText = mysql_real_escape_string($commentText);

//check input
$check = ((count($name)>0 && count($commentText)>0) ? true : false);

//set query
$query = "INSERT INTO comments VALUES('','$timestamp','$catagory','$aboutId','$name','$commentText')";

//query db
if ($check) mysql_query($query);


echo "<META HTTP-EQUIV=Refresh CONTENT=\"0; URL=$URL\">";

function parseText($this,$paraWrap = false,$html=false) {
//convert html
if ($html) {
	$this = str_replace("&","&",$this);
	$this = str_replace("<","<",$this);
	$this = str_replace(">",">",$this);
	$this = str_replace("\"",""",$this);
	$this = str_replace("£","£",$this);
	$this = str_replace("é","é",$this);
//loose mulitple newlines
$this = preg_replace('/(\r\n){2,}/',"\r\n",$this);
//insert paragraph html
if ($paraWrap) $this = "<p>".$this."</p>";
//convert double newlines
if ($paraWrap) $this = str_replace("\r\n","</p><p>",$this);

return $this;


and the output might look like this:


\"This program won\'t work\" she said.


I think PHP is escaping at $_POST and then again at mysql_real_escape_string().


How can I sort this?





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