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Which book to choose?


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At the moment I own PHP and MySQL for Dynamic websites 2nd edition by Larry Ullman. I've read through it and done several examples. However, I personally find by creating mini websites, instead of just typing one page scripts that I learn it more. I have gone through the content management system and user management system in the book several times, using and adapting the code for different websites.


I now want to expand these examples so I can see how different people code and find the best medium for myself.


Which book of the following three would you suggest I buy?


Sams teach your self PHP, MySQL, Apache all in one

Sams teach your self PHP in 24 hours

Sams teach your self Ajax, Javascript and PHP in 24 hours

PHP and MySQL Web Development 3rd edition

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Projects in PHP and MySQL Web Development:


User Authentication and Personalization

Shopping Cart

Content Management System

Web-Based Email Service

Mailing List Manager

Web Forums

Generating PDFs

Using XML and SOAP


I must admit, ive not really gone through any of the large projects in the book, i tend to use it more for reference. However, i find it well written, easy to read and informative.


Ive not tried any of the other books.

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I have "PHP and MySQL Web Development 3rd edition", and I wouldn't recommend it. It seems like it's more for advanced users who already have some background in programming.


I love the book "PHP5/MySQL programming for the absolute beginner" by Andy Harris.


I think there is a sticky about good books, you might want to check that out.

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Yeah, that's where I got the list of books from. Many people suggest all different ones. I was just wondering which most people would advise. At the moment I only want to buy one book, I could always buy the others in a month or two.

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