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There are a bunch of email validation functions located in the user comments.


irlkersten at gmail dot com

22-Jun-2005 11:54

On a small note to email checking:

Recently it is possible to register domains like www.k�che.de


This would also mean that the IsEMail() function from "php at easy2sync dot com" would report an email address like "contact@k�che.de" as false.


To correct this, use the function below:


function IsEMail($e)
(\.[a-z]{2,4})$", $e))
        return TRUE;
    return FALSE;


Or even from www.php.net/eregi

//Assuming emails should have any of these combinations
//$str = "[email protected]";
//$str = "[email protected]";
//$str = "[email protected]";
//$str = "[email protected]";
//$str = "[email protected]";
//$str = "[email protected]";
//$str = "[email protected]";
//$str = "[email protected]";
//$str = "[email protected]";
$str = "[email protected]";
//Anything out of these examples echos wrong
[@]{1}[a-z0-9_-]+[.](([a-z]{2,3})|([a-z]{3}[.]{1}[a-z]{2}))$",$str)) {
       echo "Right<br>";
} else {
   echo "Wrong<br>";
//You can enhanced this email validation by adding a list of valid domain name extensions ie.: .com,.net.,.org, ect and country specific ones too ie.: .do,.us,.br,.ve,.es, etc. in this part of the code (([a-z]{2,3})|([a-z]{3}[.]{1}[a-z]{2}))


If thats what you are looking for, no need to re--invent the wheel.

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