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I wrote a custom function to catch / replace all potentially harmful html characters while leaving others alone, I wonder if this is sufficient enough to stop XSS and SQL Injection without having to use those built in functions since the function name is shorter.


Here it is in a nutshell:



function cleanVars($chk_val) {

$bad = array(

$good = array(

$chk_val = stripslashes($chk_val);
$chk_val = str_replace($bad, $good, $chk_val);

  return $chk_val;

$test = $_GET["test"]; 
$val9 = $_POST["val9"];
$val10 = $_POST["val10"];
$test = cleanVars($test);

if(!empty($test)) {	
$val9 = cleanVars($val9);
$val10 =  cleanVars($val10);
echo $val9."<br />".$val10."<br />";



I know php has some built in functions, but it will replace things even when you want to leave them, so I am trying this out.

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I know php has some built in functions, but it will replace things even when you want to leave them, so I am trying this out.


Untrue... the strip_tags() function has an allowable tags array since PHP 4.0.0 and htmlspecialchars() has some constants you might want to take into consideration...

strip_tags() and htmlspecialchars()


now there is nothing more general or better for SQL injection prevention (according to my opinion) right off the manual again

if(get_magic_quotes_gpc()) {
            if(ini_get('magic_quotes_sybase')) {
               $value         = str_replace("''", "'", $_POST['value']);
            } else {
               $value         = stripslashes($_POST['value']);
        } else {
                $value   = $_POST['value'];
    $value = mysql_real_escape_string($value);

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