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hello all,


I have an event calendar that is quite clunky for a business that often only has 1 or 2 events in a month and would like to view all upcoming events (or at least with in the next 6mo. to a year) so I would like to change from displaying a traditional calendar by the month showing every day - to a two column list of the next 6 to 12 months that becomes a link if there are any events within the month ( and probably display the number of events next to the month...e.g. August (3) etc.)


Any thought on how I would construct the php loops for the months?


Thanks for any help



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Use modulos (%)


$currentMonth = 4;
$count = 12;
$display = "";
while (true) {
    if (($counter % 2) == 0) {
         $display .= "<td>" . $currentMonth . "</td></tr>";
    }else {
         $display .= "<tr><td>" . $currentMonth . "</td>";

    if ($currentMonth == 12) {
        $currentMonth = 0;  

    if ($counter == 12) {
        break; // kill the loop


echo "<table>" . $display . "</table>";


Something like that?

Thanks for the start,


quick question - If I wanted to display the months as 07, instead of 7 etc how would I change the code?


+ is there an easy way to retrieve the month name inside the loop?




Put the months into an array.


$months = array(1=> array("num" => "01", "name" => "January"), 2 => array("num" => "02", "name" => "February")); // ..etc

$currentMonth = 4;
$count = 12;
$display = "";
while (true) {
    if (($counter % 2) == 0) {
         $display .= "<td>" . $months[$currentMonth]['name'] . "</td></tr>";
    }else {
         $display .= "<tr><td>" . $currentMonth[$currentMonth]['name'] . "</td>";

    if ($currentMonth == 12) {
        $currentMonth = 0;  

    if ($counter == 12) {
        break; // kill the loop


echo "<table>" . $display . "</table>";


Change 'name' to 'num' to get the number.

$months = array(1=> array("num" => "01", "name" => "January"), 2 => array("num" => "02", "name" => "February")); // ..etc

$currentMonth = 4;
$count = 12;
$display = "";
while (true) {
    if (($counter % 2) == 0) {
         $display .= "<td>" . $months[$currentMonth]['name'] . "</td></tr>";
    }else {
         $display .= "<tr><td>" . $months[$currentMonth]['name'] . "</td>"; // error was here

    if ($currentMonth == 12) {
        $currentMonth = 0;  

    if ($counter == 12) {
        break; // kill the loop


echo "<table>" . $display . "</table>";


my bad.

You can get the next 12 months as numbers and text without using arrays, by using the date() and strototime() functions. Might save some typing :P :


$curr_month= 7;

$month_num =($x+$curr_month > 12) ? $x+$curr_month -12 : $x+$curr_month;
echo date('m',strtotime($month_num.'/01'));
echo ' - '.date('F',strtotime($month_num.'/01')).'<br />';



07 - July
08 - August
09 - September
10 - October
11 - November
12 - December
01 - January
02 - February
03 - March
04 - April
05 - May
06 - June

Thanks for the help!


The less code the better!

Anyway, one last element I need is the total number of events to display with the month


I have a query of two tables:

$query_rsEvents = "SELECT events.EventId, events.EventLocationId, events.Name, events.ShortDescr, events.Descr, events.ImageURL, events.PDF, eventdates.EventDate, eventdates.Note, eventdates.TimeStart, eventdates.TimeEnd FROM events, eventdates WHERE eventdates.EventId = events.EventId AND events.FlagStatus = 'A' ORDER BY eventdates.EventDate, eventdates.TimeStart, events.Name";
$rsEvents = mysql_query($query_rsEvents, $connection1) or die(mysql_error());
$row_rsEvents = mysql_fetch_assoc($rsEvents);
$totalRows_rsEvents = mysql_num_rows($rsEvents);

obviously I have more fields here than I need for this question.


Anyway, I want to total the number of events for each month, but I am not sure how to write the loop to work with the loop to give me the months?


I do want to display all 12 months in my list - but add the totalEvents counter to those months that have events.


Does this make sense.

Why doesn't this work??



#This loop gets the next 6 months from current date
$curr_month= $CurMonth;

$month_num =($x+$curr_month > 12) ? $x+$curr_month -12 : $x+$curr_month;
#get the total number of events for each month
while ($row_rsEvents['EventDate'] = $curr_month);
echo date('m',strtotime($month_num.'/01'));
echo ' - '.date('F',strtotime($month_num.'/01'))." ( ". $i ." )<br />";


This thread is more than a year old. Please don't revive it unless you have something important to add.

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