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I want to create urls dynamically when i am inserting the new data to database.




If the story title is :


What is new in Site?


It should be converted as :




It shouldn't allow any special characters in the URL.


How can I do this?

I'd make one small change to that:

  $str="What is new in Site?";
  $new_str=strtolower(str_replace(" ","-",$str));
  echo $str;
  echo $new_str;


Best to keep URLs lower case. You'd also want to remove all non allowed characters like the ? as that wouldn't be allowed in the URL. Not exactly sure how that'd be done although I have written this regex string to grab everything except the ?


([ a-zA-Z]*)

I dont quite understand.


Do you want an error if anything but alpha-numeric and - come up



Do you want it just to remove them so


HE-LLO$^ M"Y n@A~me IS C-h(oc*o&pi


would become


HE-LLO MY nAme IS C-hocopi


~ Chocopi


Do you want it just to remove them so


HE-LLO$^ M"Y n@A~me IS C-h(oc*o&pi


would become


HE-LLO MY nAme IS C-hocopi


Yes, I want to remove all..but the spaces will be replaed with "-" and also there should not more than one "-" continuosly like "---". It should be trimed to "-"





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