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[SOLVED] help me develope a simple shopping cart class with sessions


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Dear Friends,


Its my firsw walk in OOP, I want to make a simple shopping cart and I dont know how to make variables with sessions, I end up with this peace of code :


class CLS_CART {

var $items; // ITEMs

function CRT_AddItem($code, $id, $fname, $price, $qty = 1) {
	$this->items[$code]["id"]          = $id;
	$this->items[$code]["fname"]    = $fname;
	$this->items[$code]["price"]      = $price;
	$this->items[$code]["qty"]	      = $qty;

function CRT_UpdateItem() {
// update functions goes here	

function CRT_ShowCart($item) {

	foreach ($items as $key => $val) {
		echo $key . " ----> " . $val;



I just need to know how can I make it from sessions, a few tips and tricks will put me in line to the end!


thanks in advance.



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This might sound like a bit off topic, but instead of sessions(well all sessions) try this a mysql table with cart data and a session with their cart data so that you are transferring less data in sessions (saves stress on server/user load) just when they add that first item it creates a new cartID in the table and a row for each item in the cart, them you make a second cron job that purges the table seeking out entries older than say 10 days. 

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This might sound like a bit off topic, but instead of sessions(well all sessions) try this a mysql table with cart data and a session with their cart data so that you are transferring less data in sessions (saves stress on server/user load) just when they add that first item it creates a new cartID in the table and a row for each item in the cart, them you make a second cron job that purges the table seeking out entries older than say 10 days. 


Thanks, sounds good but I still dont know how I can expand my class because It will do the job, and most important thing is with help of you guys, I can learn something about OOP.


and can you tell more about your idea? how can I create a row for uniqe visitors and uniqe shopping carts?

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include('cart.php'); // note the class definition has to be before session_start
if (!isset($_SESSION['cart']) || $_GET['reset'] == 1) {
    $_SESSION['cart'] = new CLS_CART();
$cart = $_SESSION['cart']; // unsure if you add the reference &= here if the endpage part is unnecessary.

// do processing here

// to end the page do this:
$_SESSION['cart'] = $cart;



Note the spaces are a result of not using the code tags.


class CLS_CART {

var $items; // ITEMs

function CRT_AddItem($code, $id, $fname, $price, $qty = 1) {

$this->items[$code]["id"]          = $id;

$this->items[$code]["fname"]    = $fname;

$this->items[$code]["price"]      = $price;


      = $qty;


function CRT_UpdateItem() {

// update functions goes here


function CRT_ShowCart($item) {

foreach ($items as $key => $val) {

echo $key . " ----> " . $val;




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I didnt noticed any changes to my orginal class posted on top. you mean it was OK!? lucky me because it is my first time to write a class  ;D and if not can you please fix it to be work fine? atleast optimizing the "CRT_AddItem" function will push me forward greatly.


and for "my_page.php" you created, can this whole process be done without any query string in url? I mean by POST method?


and last thing, I need an example for filling shopping cart with 2 items (just the pure php code).


Thanks a lot.




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Anyway I managed to write my first class and as you will see its fully ( I hope ) functional!


As I said before, My problem is I dont know how to pass variables from a sessions to this class so each user have a unique cart. PLEASE SOME ONE GUIDE ME!



# Start Shopping Cart Class

class CLS_CART {
# Member Variables
var $items;	//
var $total; // total cart price

# Cart Class Constructor
function CLS_CART() {
	$this->items = array(); // inititalize empty an array
	$this->total = 0;		// inititalize total price to zero

# Add Items To Cart
function CRT_AddItem($id, $name, $price, $qty = 1) {		
	// check to verify item is in cart or not
	if(!isset($this->items[$id])) {
		// add to cart
		$this->items[$id][name]  = $name;
		$this->items[$id][price] = $price;
		$this->items[$id][qty]	 = $qty; 

# Update
function CRT_UpdateItemQTY ($id, $new_qty = 1) {
		// check to verify item is in cart or not
		if(!isset($this->items[$id])) {
			// update item quantity in cart
			$this->items[$id][qty]	 = $qty; 

# Remove Item From Cart
function CRT_DelItem($id) {
	if(!isset($this->items[$id])) {

# Calculate Total Cart Price
function CRT_TotalPrice() {
	$this->total = 0 ; // set total to zero in begining of calculations

	// check if cart is have any items
	if(isset($this->items)) {
		foreach ($this->items AS $key => $val) {
			$this->total += ($this->items[$key][price] * $this->items[$key][qty]);
	return $this->total;

# Show Cart
function CRT_ShowCart() {
	$ret = "";
	if(isset($this->items)) {
		$count_items = count($this->items); // count number of items exist in cart
		if (!$count_items == 0) {
			$row_no = 1; // row number starts from 1				
			$ret .= "<table cellpadding=\"1\" cellspacing=\"2\" width=\"100%\" border=\"0\">
							<td width=\"5%\" bgcolor=\"#EFEFEF\" align=\"center\" style=\"font-weight: 600\">row</td>
							<td width=\"50%\" bgcolor=\"#EFEFEF\" align=\"center\" style=\"font-weight: 600\">NAME</td>
							<td width=\"5%\" bgcolor=\"#EFEFEF\" align=\"center\" style=\"font-weight: 600\">QTY</td>
							<td width=\"20%\" bgcolor=\"#EFEFEF\" align=\"center\" style=\"font-weight: 600\">Unit PRICE</td>
							<td width=\"20%\" bgcolor=\"#EFEFEF\" align=\"center\" style=\"font-weight: 600\">Total PRICE</td>
			foreach ($this->items AS $id => $val) {
					$ret .= "	<tr>\n";					
					$ret .= "		<td style=\"border: 1px solid #EFEFEF;\" align=\"center\">" . $row_no . "</td>\n";
					$ret .= "		<td style=\"border: 1px solid #EFEFEF;\">" . $this->items[$id][name] . "</td>\n";
					$ret .= "		<td style=\"border: 1px solid #EFEFEF;\" align=\"center\">" . $this->items[$id][qty] . "</td>\n";
					$ret .= "		<td style=\"border: 1px solid #EFEFEF;\" align=\"center\">" . $this->items[$id][price] . "</td>\n";
					$ret .= "		<td style=\"border: 1px solid #EFEFEF;\" align=\"center\">" . ($this->items[$id][price] * $this->items[$id][qty]) . "</td>\n";
					$ret .= "	</tr> \n";
					$row_no++; // add 1 to row number				
			$ret .= "</table>";
			$ret .= "<table width=\"100%\"><tr><td align=\"right\" style=\"font-weight: 600;\"TOTAL: <span style=\"font-weight: 600; color=red\">" . $this->CRT_TotalPrice() . "</span></td></tr></table>";
		} else {
			$ret .= "YOUR CART IS EMPTY!";
	return $ret;




$_CART = new CLS_CART();

$_CART->CRT_AddItem (1,'apple', 2, 3);
$_CART->CRT_AddItem (2,'orange', 3, 2);
$_CART->CRT_AddItem (3,'sugar', 1.99, 0.75);


  <?php print $_CART->CRT_ShowCart(); ?>



[attachment deleted by admin]

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Using session_start is a good start than using $_SESSION inside the class would also be another good start.


If you want to store the cart in session see my post above. I gave a plain and simple example of doing just that.

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include('cart.php'); // note the class definition has to be before session_start
$_SESSION['test'] = "This is a test<br />";
if (!isset($_SESSION['cart']) || $_GET['reset'] == 1) {
    $_SESSION['cart'] = new CLS_CART();
$cart = $_SESSION['cart']; // unsure if you add the reference &= here if the endpage part is unnecessary.

// do processing here

// to end the page do this:
$_SESSION['cart'] = $cart;




# Start Shopping Cart Class

class CLS_CART {
# Member Variables
var $items;	//
var $total; // total cart price

# Cart Class Constructor
function CLS_CART() {
	$this->items = array(); // inititalize empty an array
	$this->total = 0;		// inititalize total price to zero
                echo $_SESSION['test'];

# Add Items To Cart
function CRT_AddItem($id, $name, $price, $qty = 1) {		
	// check to verify item is in cart or not
	if(!isset($this->items[$id])) {
		// add to cart
		$this->items[$id][name]  = $name;
		$this->items[$id][price] = $price;
		$this->items[$id][qty]	 = $qty; 

# Update
function CRT_UpdateItemQTY ($id, $new_qty = 1) {
		// check to verify item is in cart or not
		if(!isset($this->items[$id])) {
			// update item quantity in cart
			$this->items[$id][qty]	 = $qty; 

# Remove Item From Cart
function CRT_DelItem($id) {
	if(!isset($this->items[$id])) {

# Calculate Total Cart Price
function CRT_TotalPrice() {
	$this->total = 0 ; // set total to zero in begining of calculations

	// check if cart is have any items
	if(isset($this->items)) {
		foreach ($this->items AS $key => $val) {
			$this->total += ($this->items[$key][price] * $this->items[$key][qty]);
	return $this->total;

# Show Cart
function CRT_ShowCart() {
	$ret = "";
	if(isset($this->items)) {
		$count_items = count($this->items); // count number of items exist in cart
		if (!$count_items == 0) {
			$row_no = 1; // row number starts from 1				
			$ret .= "<table cellpadding=\"1\" cellspacing=\"2\" width=\"100%\" border=\"0\">
							<td width=\"5%\" bgcolor=\"#EFEFEF\" align=\"center\" style=\"font-weight: 600\">row</td>
							<td width=\"50%\" bgcolor=\"#EFEFEF\" align=\"center\" style=\"font-weight: 600\">NAME</td>
							<td width=\"5%\" bgcolor=\"#EFEFEF\" align=\"center\" style=\"font-weight: 600\">QTY</td>
							<td width=\"20%\" bgcolor=\"#EFEFEF\" align=\"center\" style=\"font-weight: 600\">Unit PRICE</td>
							<td width=\"20%\" bgcolor=\"#EFEFEF\" align=\"center\" style=\"font-weight: 600\">Total PRICE</td>
			foreach ($this->items AS $id => $val) {
					$ret .= "	<tr>\n";					
					$ret .= "		<td style=\"border: 1px solid #EFEFEF;\" align=\"center\">" . $row_no . "</td>\n";
					$ret .= "		<td style=\"border: 1px solid #EFEFEF;\">" . $this->items[$id][name] . "</td>\n";
					$ret .= "		<td style=\"border: 1px solid #EFEFEF;\" align=\"center\">" . $this->items[$id][qty] . "</td>\n";
					$ret .= "		<td style=\"border: 1px solid #EFEFEF;\" align=\"center\">" . $this->items[$id][price] . "</td>\n";
					$ret .= "		<td style=\"border: 1px solid #EFEFEF;\" align=\"center\">" . ($this->items[$id][price] * $this->items[$id][qty]) . "</td>\n";
					$ret .= "	</tr> \n";
					$row_no++; // add 1 to row number				
			$ret .= "</table>";
			$ret .= "<table width=\"100%\"><tr><td align=\"right\" style=\"font-weight: 600;\"TOTAL: <span style=\"font-weight: 600; color=red\">" . $this->CRT_TotalPrice() . "</span></td></tr></table>";
		} else {
			$ret .= "YOUR CART IS EMPTY!";
	return $ret;



Store your class data in cart.php


I already posted this...



Read up.

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You mean there is no need to use any session in class itself?


I have made an index.php to test your suggestion, but the problem is when I call index.php without query string the cart will show empty! please take a moment and see what is going wrong, I think Im very close to make things work!


INDEX.PHP for use the CLS_CART class:




$_SESSION['cart'] = new CLS_CART();

$action = $_GET["action"];
$id	  	= $_GET["id"];
$no	  	= $_GET["no"];
$name   = $_GET["name"];
$price  = $_GET["price"];

switch ($action) {
case "add" :
$_SESSION['cart']->CRT_AddItem($id, $name, $price, $no);
case "delete" :


  <?php print $_SESSION['cart']->CRT_ShowCart(); ?>


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thanks all, I finally made it.




if (!isset($_SESSION['cart']) || $_GET['reset'] == 1) {
    $_SESSION['cart'] = new CLS_CART();

$cart = $_SESSION['cart'];

$action = $_GET["action"];
$id	  	= $_GET["id"];
$no	  	= $_GET["no"];
$name   = $_GET["name"];
$price  = $_GET["price"];

switch ($action) {
case "add" :
$_SESSION['cart']->CRT_AddItem($id, $name, $price, $no);
case "delete" :

$_SESSION['cart'] = $cart;

  <?php print $_SESSION['cart']->CRT_ShowCart(); ?>


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