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[SOLVED] passing value from text input to button


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Hi, I want to add a simple text input and a button in a page so users can set number of goods that they want to add to shopping cart, I came up with this but I cant gu further! I know this must be done with help of jscript so Im looking for your help, friends!



number of goods to put in cart<input name=number type=text value=1 >
<input type=\"button\" value=\"ADD TO CART\" onclick=\"window.location.href='cart.php?id=1?number=2'>



Now how can I determine and use the number inputet by user in text input? to use it in my query string?



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Are you combining a php shoping cart script or are you just using javascript? If you just want to change the text on your HTML page without a refresh you should look for tutorials of javascript DOM. the function getElementById().innerHTML and getElementById().value etc are the ones you will need to use i think

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thanks for your reply,


actually I have my own cart class that add an item to cart with a query like this:




its clear that the number=1 is the number of same item to be added in cart, the default number is 1, but I want to have a text input beside of links that genereate query string and read the nymber value thay user has entered and add it to the end of query string.


I mean how can I determine a value enteret in a text input, with out submiting form. hope you can helo me guys.

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With you php script it is a bit more complicated then just using javascript. But first things first. From a input field to javascript seems to be the first thing to do. this is how you can get a input value to javascript variable


function getProductNr(){
var productNr;
//this is where you retrieve the value from the input field with the id product_number

//alert the value to see if it worked
<!--be sure that the input field has an id-->
<input id="product_number" type="text" />
<!--button that calls the function getProductNr()-->
<button onclick="getProductNr()">get the number</button>


you will need to check if the product number is a number you can find plenty of scripts for that. Guess this should be your first step.

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ok ok very thanks I got the point,


Now, the problem is how can I use getProductNr() function to add the number to the query. my button for submiting query is as follow :


<input type=\"button\" value=\"ADD TO CART\" onclick=\"window.location.href='cart.html?action=add&id=" . $id . "&no=getProductNr()'>


the button will return :




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just add an id to the text field

<input name=number id=number type=text value=1 >
<input type=\"button\" value=\"ADD TO CART\" onclick=\"window.location.href='cart.php?id=1&number='+document.getElementById('number').value\";>

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