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Hi guys,

I`m new to this forum :)

I`m trying to make a php counter, but it just didn`t work...

Here is my code. It returns no error, but it is not working :(

$date = date("d.m.Y");

$query = "SELECT * FROM `visitor`";
$res = mysql_query($query) or die("Greshka ".mysql_error());
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($res)) {

if($date == $row['date']){

if ($ip != $row['ip']){

$query = "INSERT INTO  `visitor` (id, ip , uniqe, date) VALUES ($ip, 1, $date)";
$do = mysql_query($query) or die("Greshka2:".mysql_error()); 

$impresiq = $row['impresiq'] + 1;
$query ="UPDATE counter SET count = '$count' WHERE ip = '$ip' ";
$do = mysql_query($query) or die("Greshka3:".mysql_error()); 

echo $impresiq." refreshes<br/>\n";
echo "Ip-to vi e ".$ip."<br/> na";
echo $date;

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Is it here?

$impresiq = $row['impresiq'] + 1;
$query ="UPDATE counter SET count = '$count' WHERE ip = '$ip' ";


Looks like you're incrementing a different variable than your trying to pass in.

There is no $count in all that code and you're trying to reference it.

Looks like the insert query is the fault here, you specify 4 coloumns to insert into, but only 3 values to insert. If id is a autonumber coloumn, then remove it from the query.


If you have a lot of visitors, the script that you have wrote could take a long time to parse as well, so you could do with changing your method.

You still have to give it 4 values though right?


Just do:

$query = "INSERT INTO  `visitor` (id, ip , uniqe, date) VALUES (NULL, '$ip', '1', '$date')";


If it is an auto_increment.

You need to put quotes around the values you pass in too.

Is the word 'uniqe' suppose to be 'unique'?

You still have to give it 4 values though right?


Just do:

$query = "INSERT INTO  `visitor` (id, ip , uniqe, date) VALUES (NULL, '$ip', '1', '$date')";


If it is an auto_increment.

You need to put quotes around the values you pass in too.

Is the word 'uniqe' suppose to be 'unique'?

Yeah it is supposed to :D but i already used everywhere that  ;D


Now i`m using:

$date = date("d.m.Y");

$query = "SELECT * FROM `visitor`";
$res = mysql_query($query) or die("Greshka ".mysql_error());
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($res)) {

if($date == $row['date']){

if ($ip != $row['ip']){

$query = "INSERT INTO  `visitor` (ip , uniqe, date) VALUES ('$ip', '1', '$date')";
$do = mysql_query($query) or die("Greshka2:".mysql_error()); 

}elseif($row['uniqe'] == 1) {
$impresiq = $row['impresiq'] + 1;
$query ="UPDATE `visitor` SET impresiq = '$impresiq' WHERE ip = '$ip' ";
$do = mysql_query($query) or die("Greshka3:".mysql_error()); 



But again there are no signs of live.... The strange is that it returns no error.....


p.s. id is auto_increment

ps2. That is my table:

$insert = "CREATE TABLE `visitor` (
`id` int(20) NOT NULL auto_increment,
`ip` varchar(255) default NULL,
`date` varchar(10) default NULL,
`impresiq` varchar(255) default NULL,
`uniqe` varchar(255) default NULL,

I tried making ip Primary key and using

if ($ip == $row['ip']){

$impresiq = $row['impresiq'] + 1;
$query ="UPDATE `visitor` SET impresiq = '$impresiq' WHERE ip = '$ip' ";
$do = mysql_query($query) or die("Greshka3:".mysql_error()); 

$query = "INSERT INTO  `visitor` (ip , uniq, data) VALUES ('$ip', '1', '$data')";
$do = mysql_query($query) or die("Greshka2:".mysql_error()); 

But it gives me and error....

Duplicate entry '' for key 1

Duplicate entry '' for key 1


That error states that there is already an entry in the table for key 1 that is empty. A variable is not being populated.


Also an IP address is not a good idea for a primary key, keep that id in there as IP's are not always unique to users.

Duplicate entry '' for key 1


That error states that there is already an entry in the table for key 1 that is empty. A variable is not being populated.


Also an IP address is not a good idea for a primary key, keep that id in there as IP's are not always unique to users.

so ? U suggest to use id as Primary key ? I checked in the DB

ip 	data 	impresiq 	uniq
//*HERE is empty	13.07.2007 	0 	0 	13.07.2007 	0 	1

I have some error in the IF statement i think, but i can`t find it....

I want it like that:

If the ip is new it is recorded in  'ip' and unique is being set to 1.

Or if it is not new > impresiq/refreshes is being increased:

if ($ip == $row['ip']){

$impresiq = $row['impresiq'] + 1;
$query ="UPDATE `visitor` SET impresiq = '$impresiq' WHERE ip = '$ip' ";
$do = mysql_query($query) or die("Greshka3:".mysql_error()); 

$query = "INSERT INTO  `visitor` (ip , uniq, data) VALUES ('$ip', '1', '$data')";
$do = mysql_query($query) or die("Greshka2:".mysql_error()); 

This thread is more than a year old. Please don't revive it unless you have something important to add.

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