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Having some problems regarding quotes. I'm taking an entry from the MySQL table in the format 5'11" (as in five feet eleven inches). This is my variable $height.


$height = $row['height'];


Then I place it in a form which can be edited, which is inside an echo container:


echo "
<td><span class=\"n\">Height:</span></td>
<td><input class=\"n2\" type=\"text\" name=\"height\" maxlength=\"100\" value=\"$height\"></td>


Which displays the height without the quote mark for inches, i.e. 5'11


So I thought I'd try a replace:


$height = $row['height'];
$height2 = str_replace('"','\"',$height);


But that just outputs: 5'11\


What's the usual way around this, considering that the height variable contains both single and double quote marks?


I know one can use echo ?> then the HTML and add variables with <?php echo $height ?> so double quotes are still usable, but since the elements use quotes as delimiters, like value="height", how can another double quote be added in there without it thinking it's the delimiter. There must be a way around this? I found one webpage that stated putting two single quotes will output just one when entering the information into a MySQL database, but that's as far as I got with help on the net.


Thank you to any and all who take this question on.



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