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I am fairly proficient in PHP as well as understanding Object oriented programming. The tutorials that I can find with google talk about oop on a single page. The application that I am designing is very clean in with OO design but I cannot quite get it straight in my mind how the objects are retained throughout various pages. The objects are going to be created/filled with data from a database and it seems like too much overhead to reconstruct these objects for every page. From what i have picked up by browsing these forms is that it is standard practice to save objects in sessions, or serialize them or something. Is there good documentation or a tutorial somewhere that explains the concepts behind this?

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include('class.def.php'); // has to be before session_Start

if (!isset($_SESSION['class_name'])) {
       $_SESSION['class_name'] = new class_name();
}else {
$class &= $_SESSION['class_name']; // dunno if keeping the reference works but yea

if ($x==1)
    echo $class->get_var('test');

$class->set_var('test', 'Testing');

$_SESSION['class_name'] = $class;


Unsure how savory that is, efficient or how much a toll it would take on the server. But yea I think that is what you are looking for.

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