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Javascript Time


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I want to see how much time has elapse from the beginnning of the function to the end of the function. But I have having trouble. Every time I use the alert to display the sTime (start time) and eTime (end time) they are the same. I have even tried to put a for loop of a million to see if any time has elapsed but the two value still eqwual the same. Any ideas???


function timeElapsed(){
         var tDate = new Date();
         var sTime = tDate.getTime();

         ~~~ Code

         var eTime = tDate.getTime();
         alert(sTIme + '  ' + eTime);

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That was one of the articles which I read. The article used the settimeout function which will pause the sequence of the code for x amount of time. What I want to do is see how long it take to get from part A (beginning of the function) to part b (end of the function). I dont want to pause the code from running but time the function

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You can use my class if you like but it does require mootoolshttp://mootools.net/download

be sure to have <b>Native->functions</b> selected when you download it

once you downloaded it include it into your HTML

then paste my js into your head section

<script language="JavaScript">

//Timer class
function Timer(){
//object variables

/*--Object functions--*/
//starts the timer
	this.startTime=new Date();
	this.passedTime=new Date();
	//needs delegate thats why the this value is passed this function is called every second
//increases the time
	//each time the function is called the current time will be checked
	this.currenTime=new Date();
	//calculates the time that has passed
//returns the time in a string
	//extra variables to show a neat time to return
	var seconds;
	var minutes;
	var hours;
	//nice display of seconds into a string

	//nice display of minutes into a string
	//returns the minutes:seconds in a string
	return minutes+":"+seconds;


then when you start your function do the following

function yourFunction(){
    //create a Timer Object
    var timer=new Timer();
    timer.startTimer();//starts the timer



and when the function is done just call the function timer.getPassedTime()

//alert the time that has passed when the function started

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You need to initiate two Date variables to get the different times, here is an example


<script language="javascript">
function do_something(){
	// start timer
	var st_time = new Date();

	// do stuff
	var foo = 0;
	for (i=0; i<1000; i++){
		foo += foo * i;

	// end timer
	var en_time = new Date();

	alert(st_time.getTime()+" "+en_time.getTime());


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