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next and previous script


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when a category is opened the list of jokes come in descending order so if i open the first joke i have to click back and then find the next one in the list and so on which is very irritating so i am trying for a script which goes to the next joke in alphabetical order belonging to that category and similarly to the previous i hape i was clear this time

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if(!isset($_GET['joke'])) { $joke= 0;} 
else { $joke = $_GET['joke']; }

$prev = ($joke - 1);
$next = ($joke + 1);
$query = "SELECT * FROM jokes  ORDER BY title  LIMIT $joke,1";

<a href="<?php echo "$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']?joke=$prev"; ?>">Previous</a>
<a href="<?php echo "$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']?joke=$next"; ?>">Next</a>


Im not exaclty sure about the LIMIT part of that, I think that should give you the idea.

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firstly i made a mistake its done in desc order of item id but all the jokes are in 1 db so joke +1 and joke-1 wont work........ because for any particular jokes with conecutive ids may nt be of same category but i need next one in this category


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i think i didnt explain properly, consider 8 jokes



1,5,6,7 belong to category a

2,8 belong to category b

3,4 belong to category c


suppose im reading 1 i need next to take me to 6 i need next to go to 7 and previous to 5 and so on


but in ur case 1 will go to 2 and 3 and so on

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dont worry about a1 it exists on the page where im gonna inset this

this was the best i cud think of dont know if it will work...


$joke = '$ItemID'; 

$result = mysql_query("SELECT ItemID FROM dd_items WHERE CategoryID = '$a1[itemCategory]' and ItemStatus = 'approved' ORDER 

by ItemID DESC");
$i = 0;

while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result))
     $ID['$i'] = $row['ItemID']
  if ($ID['$j'] == $ItemID)
$prev = $ID['$j--'];
$next = $ID['$j++'];
<a href="/view.php?=<?=$prev?>"Previous</a>
<a href="/view.php?=<?=$Next?>"Next</a>

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You have a typo here:

    $ID['$i'] = $row['IemID']


should be:

    $ID['$i'] = $row['ItemID']


also here:

     <a href="/view.php?=<?=$prev?>"Previous</a>
     <a href="/view.php?=<?=$Next?>"Next</a>

You are missing something to create  the GET varible.

Should be:

     <a href="/view.php?=<?joke=$prev?>"Previous</a>
     <a href="/view.php?=<?joke=$Next?>"Next</a>

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No what you have wont work. Have you tried it? What does your table in the DB look like? and on the page what is$a1[itemCategory] set to? I am assuming that ItemID is the primary key as well.


edit: when I say what does the table look like I mean what are all of the fields in it?


edit 2: I wish you would just post the code to your entire page already.

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//get the item details
$q1 = "select * from dd_items where ItemID = '$_GET[itemID]' ";
$r1 = mysql_query($q1) or die(mysql_error());
$a1 = mysql_fetch_array($r1);

//get the category
$q2 = "select CategoryName from dd_categories where CategoryID = '$a1[itemCategory]' ";
$r2 = mysql_query($q2) or die(mysql_error());
$a2 = mysql_fetch_array($r2);

$Item_Category = $a2[0];
$ItemID = $a1[itemID];

if($a1[itemSubcategory] > '0')
//get the subcategory name
$q3 = "select SubcategoryName from dd_subcategories where SubcategoryID = '$a1[itemSubcategory]' ";
$r3 = mysql_query($q3) or die(mysql_error());
$a3 = mysql_fetch_array($r3);

$Item_Category .= "/$a3[0]";

$Item_Contributor = $a1[Contributor];

//get the rating
$q4 = "select count(ItemID) as n, sum(Rating) as r from dd_rating where ItemID = '$a1[itemID]' ";
$r4 = mysql_query($q4) or die(mysql_error());
$a4 = mysql_fetch_array($r4);

if($a4[n] > '0')
$Item_Rating = number_format($a4[r]/$a4[n], 2, ".", "");
$Item_Rating = "0.00";

$View_Item .= "<b>$a1[itemTitle]</b><br>";

$VenInfo = explode("|", $a1[itemText]);

$View_Item .= nl2br($VenInfo[0])."<br><br>";

	$MySize = getimagesize("items_images/$a1[itemImage]");

	if($MySize[0] > '100')
		$MyWidth = '100';
		$MyWidth = $MySize[0];

	$View_Item .= "<img src=\"items_images/$a1[itemImage]\" style=\"float:left\" width=\"$MyWidth\">";

$View_Item .= nl2br($VenInfo[1]);

if($_GET[rate_error] == "y")
$message = "<b>Sorry, you have already rated this $main_keyword.</b>";
elseif($_GET[rate_error] == "n")
$message = "<b>Thank you for rating this $main_keyword.</b>";

//get the templates




<table align=center width=400 class=MainTable border=0 bordercolor="<?=$aset[MainBorderColor]?>" cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5 rules=none>
    <td valign=top> <table align=left width=330 border=0 bordercolor=black cellspacing=0>
          <td> <div align="left"><b><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">Category:</font></b> 
              <font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"> 
              <b>Reader Rating:</b> 
      <div align="left"></div></td>
    <td align=center><hr size="1"></td>
    <td align=center><form method=post action="rate.php">
        <input type=hidden name=ItemID value="<?=$ItemID?>">
        <table align=center border=0 bordercolor=black cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2 rules=none width=400>
            <td colspan=5> <center>
                <b><font size="2" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">Rate this 
                </font></b> </center></td>
          <tr bgcolor="#000000"> 
            <td align=center><strong><font color="#FFFFFF" size="2" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"> 
              <input type=radio name=rr value=5 onClick="this.form.submit();">
            <td align=center><strong><font color="#FFFFFF" size="2" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"> 
              <input type=radio name=rr value=4 onClick="this.form.submit();">
            <td align=center><strong><font color="#FFFFFF" size="2" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"> 
              <input type=radio name=rr value=3 onClick="this.form.submit();">
            <td align=center><strong><font color="#FFFFFF" size="2" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"> 
              <input type=radio name=rr value=2 onClick="this.form.submit();">
            <td align=center><strong><font color="#FFFFFF" size="2" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"> 
              <input type=radio name=rr value=1 onClick="this.form.submit();">
      <td align="center">
$query="SELECT * FROM dd_rating WHERE ItemID = '$ItemID' AND username = '$_SESSION[username]'";
$result = mysql_query($query);
if (mysql_num_rows($result) == 0)
    echo '<b><center>You have not yet rated this joke </center></b><br>';
    $rate = mysql_result($result, 0, 'Rating');
    echo '<b><center>You have given this joke a rating of ' . $rate . '</center></b><br>';
?> <br>
      <a style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0);"
href="/othersvote.php?ItemID=<?=$ItemID?>Click here to
how the others rated this joke</a></td>

    <td align=center> 
      <br> <br> <hr size="1"> </td>
    <td align=center valign=top> <form method=post action="EmailFriend.php" name=sfriend onsubmit="return CheckFriend();">
        <input type=hidden name=ItemID value="<?=$ItemID?>">
        <table align=center border=0 bordercolor=black cellspacing=0 rules=none width=400>
            <td colspan=2> <center>
                <font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"><b>Email 
                to a friend</b></font></center></td>
            <td align=right>Your email address:</td>
            <td> <input type=text name=f1> </td>
            <td align=right>Your friends address:</td>
            <td> <input type=text name=f2> </td>
            <td colspan=2 align=center> <input type=checkbox checked name=f3 value=yes>
              s in your email.     <input type=submit name=sfr value=Send> 
              <br> <br> </td>
    <td align=center valign=top>  </td>
$joke = '$ItemID'; 

$result = mysql_query("SELECT ItemID FROM dd_items WHERE CategoryID = '$a1[itemCategory]' and ItemStatus = 'approved' ORDER by ItemID DESC");

while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result))
     if($row['ItemID'] == '$ItemID')
       $next = $ItemID + 1;
       $prev = $ItemID - 1;
<a href="/view.php?=<?=$prev?>"Previous</a>
<a href="/view.php?=<?=$Next?>"Next</a>

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