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I use


$sql2 = "DELETE FROM `applications` WHERE `id` = '{$id}' LIMIT 1;";


to delete a row from a database. It does not end up deleting it, but it does not produce an error.


$accept = $_REQUEST["accept"];
$deny = $_REQUEST["deny"];
$id = $_REQUEST["appid"];
$hub = $_REQUEST["hub"];
$temppid = rand(1001,3999);
$fname = $_REQUEST["fname"];
$lname = $_REQUEST["lname"];
$email = $_REQUEST["email"];
$pass = $_REQUEST["pass"];
$position = $_REQUEST["position"];
$type = $_REQUEST["role"];
$appdate = $_REQUEST["appdate"];
$birthday = $_REQUEST["birthday"];
$country = $_REQUEST["country"];
$vatsim = $_REQUEST["vatsim"];
$ivao = $_REQUEST["ivao"];
$ip = $_REQUEST["ip"];
$result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE `pid`='{$temppid}'");
if (mysql_num_rows($result) == 1)
$pidcheck = 1;
$pidcheck = 0;
while ($pidcheck==1);
if ($pidcheck==0);
$pid = $temppid;
$sql="INSERT INTO users (appid, fname, lname, email,  pass,  hub, birthday, country, vatsim, ivao, position, ip, acceptdate, appdate, type, pid)
('$id','$fname','$lname','$email','$pass','$hub','$birthday','$country','$vatsim','$ivao','$position','$ip', NOW( ), '$appdate', '$type', $pid)";

if (!mysql_query($sql,$LeadHost))
  die('Error: ' . mysql_error());
echo "1 user added...";
echo "<br>";
echo "</br>";
echo "Thank you For Using Max Udaskin's Virtual Airline Administration Script.";
$subject = "Application Accepted" ;
$message = "Hello ".$fname." ".$lname.",

Your application to Virtual Zoom Airlines has been accepted.

You may now login to the website using the user name and password you registered with:

Pilot ID: ".$temppid."
Password: ".$password."

Be sure to register for the forums and check out the latest NOTAMS before your first flight.

Feel free to contact us for assistance, but please do not reply to this email.

Virtual ZOOM Airlines Management";
mail($email, "Subject: $subject",
$message, "From: Virtual Zoom Airlines" );
elseif (isset($deny))
mysql_select_db($database_LeadHost, $LeadHost);
$id = $_GET['apps'];
$sql2 = "DELETE FROM `applications` WHERE `id` = '{$id}' LIMIT 1;";
if (!mysql_query($sql2,$LeadHost))
  die('Error: ' . mysql_error());
echo "Application Denied and Deleted.";


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First off, you have an extra semi-colon in there, so first try this:


$sql2 = "DELETE FROM `applications` WHERE `id` = '$id' LIMIT 1";


If that doesn't work, try removing the limit 1:

$sql2 = "DELETE FROM `applications` WHERE `id` = '$id'";


First off, you have an extra semi-colon in there, so first try this:


$sql2 = "DELETE FROM `applications` WHERE `id` = '$id' LIMIT 1";


If that doesn't work, try removing the limit 1:

$sql2 = "DELETE FROM `applications` WHERE `id` = '$id'";



Didn't work...

Try replacing this code:


$sql2 = "DELETE FROM `applications` WHERE `id` = '{$id}' LIMIT 1;";
if (!mysql_query($sql2,$LeadHost))
  die('Error: ' . mysql_error());
echo "Application Denied and Deleted.";





$sql2 = "DELETE FROM `applications` WHERE `id` = '$id'";

if (mysql_query($sql2,$LeadHost)){
  echo "Application Denied and Deleted.";
} else {
    die('Error: ' . mysql_error());


Why do you have those bac-tic things in their? the tablename and column names should not be enclosed in quotes.


Also, you should always escape any variables going into a SQL command to help protect against SQL injection, even if that variable is coming from another query.

$sql1 = "DELETE FROM applications WHERE id = '".mysql_real_escape_string($id)."'


Let me know... :)

In your code near this delete line, you have a mysql_select_db. Where is your connect string at?


Also, try just putting the string directly into the mysql_query function.


mysql_query("DELETE FROM applications WHERE id = '".mysql_real_escape_string($id)."'");

The INSERT INTO works but the DELETE FROM doesn't.


$accept = $_REQUEST["accept"];
$deny = $_REQUEST["deny"];
$id = $_REQUEST["appid"];
$hub = $_REQUEST["hub"];
$temppid = rand(1001,3999);
$fname = $_REQUEST["fname"];
$lname = $_REQUEST["lname"];
$email = $_REQUEST["email"];
$pass = $_REQUEST["pass"];
$position = $_REQUEST["position"];
$type = $_REQUEST["role"];
$appdate = $_REQUEST["appdate"];
$birthday = $_REQUEST["birthday"];
$country = $_REQUEST["country"];
$vatsim = $_REQUEST["vatsim"];
$ivao = $_REQUEST["ivao"];
$ip = $_REQUEST["ip"];
$result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE `pid`='{$temppid}'");
if (mysql_num_rows($result) == 1)
$pidcheck = 1;
$pidcheck = 0;
while ($pidcheck==1);
if ($pidcheck==0);
$pid = $temppid;
$sql="INSERT INTO users (appid, fname, lname, email,  pass,  hub, birthday, country, vatsim, ivao, position, ip, acceptdate, appdate, type, pid)
('$id','$fname','$lname','$email','$pass','$hub','$birthday','$country','$vatsim','$ivao','$position','$ip', NOW( ), '$appdate', '$type', $pid)";

if (!mysql_query($sql,$LeadHost))
  die('Error: ' . mysql_error());
echo "1 user added...";
echo "<br>";
echo "</br>";
echo "Thank you For Using Max Udaskin's Virtual Airline Administration Script.";
$subject = "Application Accepted" ;
$message = "Hello ".$fname." ".$lname.",

Your application to Virtual Zoom Airlines has been accepted.

You may now login to the website using the user name and password you registered with:

Pilot ID: ".$temppid."
Password: ".$password."

Be sure to register for the forums and check out the latest NOTAMS before your first flight.

Feel free to contact us for assistance, but please do not reply to this email.

Virtual ZOOM Airlines Management";
mail($email, "Subject: $subject",
$message, "From: [email protected]" );
elseif (isset($deny))
mysql_select_db($database_LeadHost, $LeadHost);
$id = $_GET['appid'];

if (mysql_query("DELETE FROM applications WHERE id = '".mysql_real_escape_string($id)."'")){
  echo "Application Denied and Deleted.";
} else {
    die('Error: ' . mysql_error());
  $subject = "Application Denied" ;
$message = "Hello ".$fname." ".$lname.",

Your application to Virtual Zoom Airlines has been accepted.

You may now login to the website using the user name and password you registered with:

Pilot ID: ".$temppid."
Password: ".$password."

Be sure to register for the forums and check out the latest NOTAMS before your first flight.

Feel free to contact us for assistance, but please do not reply to this email.

Virtual ZOOM Airlines Management";
mail($email, "Subject: $subject",
$message, "From: [email protected]" );


This thread is more than a year old. Please don't revive it unless you have something important to add.

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