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[SOLVED] Error?!


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Parse error: syntax error, unexpected $end in /home/rhqstaff/public_html/Sheep01/math/quad.php on line 43



$a= $_POST['a'];
$b= $_POST['b'];
$c= $_POST['c'];

function quadratic ($a, $b, $c, $root) {
$precision = 3; // Change this value for a different decimal places rounding.

$bsmfac = $b*$b-4*$a*$c;
if ($bsmfac < 0) { // Accounts for complex roots.
	$plusminusone = " + "; $plusminustwo = " - ";
	$bsmfac *=-1;
	if ($a < 0){ //if negative imaginary term, tidies appearance.
		$plusminustwo = " + ";
		$plusminusone = " - ";
		$complex *= -1;
	} // End if ($a < 0)
	$lambdaone = round(-$b/(2*$a), $precision).$plusminusone.round($complex, $precision).'i';
	$lambdatwo = round(-$b/(2*$a), $precision).$plusminustwo.round($complex, $precision).'i';
} // End if ($bsmfac < 0)

else if ($bsmfac == 0) { 
	$lambdaone = round(-$b/(2*$a), $precision);
	$lambdatwo = round(-$b/(2*$a), $precision);
} // End else if (bsmfac == 0)

else { 
	$lambdaone = (-$b+sqrt($bsmfac))/(2*$a);
	$lambdaone = round($lambdaone, $precision);
	$lambdatwo = (-$b-sqrt($bsmfac))/(2*$a);
	$lambdatwo = round($lambdatwo, $precision);

if ($root == 'root1') {return $lambdaone;}
if ($root == 'root2') {return $lambdatwo;}
if ($root == 'both') {return $lambdaone. ' and ' .$lambdatwo;}
} // End function




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$a= $_POST['a'];
$b= $_POST['b'];
$c= $_POST['c'];

function quadratic ($a, $b, $c, $root) {
$precision = 3; // Change this value for a different decimal places rounding.

$bsmfac = $b*$b-4*$a*$c;
if ($bsmfac < 0) { // Accounts for complex roots.
	$plusminusone = " + "; $plusminustwo = " - ";
	$bsmfac *=-1;
	if ($a < 0){ //if negative imaginary term, tidies appearance.
		$plusminustwo = " + ";
		$plusminusone = " - ";
		$complex *= -1;
	} // End if ($a < 0)
	$lambdaone = round(-$b/(2*$a), $precision).$plusminusone.round($complex, $precision).'i';
	$lambdatwo = round(-$b/(2*$a), $precision).$plusminustwo.round($complex, $precision).'i';
} // End if ($bsmfac < 0)

else if ($bsmfac == 0) { 
	$lambdaone = round(-$b/(2*$a), $precision);
	$lambdatwo = round(-$b/(2*$a), $precision);
} // End else if (bsmfac == 0)

else { 
	$lambdaone = (-$b+sqrt($bsmfac))/(2*$a);
	$lambdaone = round($lambdaone, $precision);
	$lambdatwo = (-$b-sqrt($bsmfac))/(2*$a);
	$lambdatwo = round($lambdatwo, $precision);

if ($root == 'root1') {return $lambdaone;}
if ($root == 'root2') {return $lambdatwo;}
if ($root == 'both') {return $lambdaone. ' and ' .$lambdatwo;}
} // End function


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Change your code to this:



$a= $_POST['a'];
$b= $_POST['b'];
$c= $_POST['c'];

function quadratic ($a, $b, $c, $root) {

$precision = 3; // Change this value for a different decimal places rounding.

$bsmfac = $b*$b-4*$a*$c;
if ($bsmfac < 0) { // Accounts for complex roots.
	$plusminusone = " + "; $plusminustwo = " - ";
	$bsmfac *=-1;
	if ($a < 0){ //if negative imaginary term, tidies appearance.
		$plusminustwo = " + ";
		$plusminusone = " - ";
		$complex *= -1;
	} // End if ($a < 0)
	$lambdaone = round(-$b/(2*$a), $precision).$plusminusone.round($complex, $precision).'i';
	$lambdatwo = round(-$b/(2*$a), $precision).$plusminustwo.round($complex, $precision).'i';
} // End if ($bsmfac < 0)

else if ($bsmfac == 0) { 
	$lambdaone = round(-$b/(2*$a), $precision);
	$lambdatwo = round(-$b/(2*$a), $precision);
} // End else if (bsmfac == 0)

else { 
	$lambdaone = (-$b+sqrt($bsmfac))/(2*$a);
	$lambdaone = round($lambdaone, $precision);
	$lambdatwo = (-$b-sqrt($bsmfac))/(2*$a);
	$lambdatwo = round($lambdatwo, $precision);

if ($root == 'root1') {return $lambdaone;}
if ($root == 'root2') {return $lambdatwo;}
if ($root == 'both') {return $lambdaone. ' and ' .$lambdatwo;}
} // End function


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Oops, I just found another error in your code.


This should work:



$a= $_POST['a'];
$b= $_POST['b'];
$c= $_POST['c'];

function quadratic ($a, $b, $c, $root) {

$precision = 3; // Change this value for a different decimal places rounding.

$bsmfac = $b*$b-4*$a*$c;
if ($bsmfac < 0) { // Accounts for complex roots.
	$plusminusone = " + "; $plusminustwo = " - ";
	$bsmfac *=-1;
	if ($a < 0){ //if negative imaginary term, tidies appearance.
		$plusminustwo = " + ";
		$plusminusone = " - ";
		$complex *= -1;
	} // End if ($a < 0)
	$lambdaone = round(-$b/(2*$a), $precision).$plusminusone.round($complex, $precision).'i';
	$lambdatwo = round(-$b/(2*$a), $precision).$plusminustwo.round($complex, $precision).'i';
} // End if ($bsmfac < 0)

else if ($bsmfac == 0) { 
	$lambdaone = round(-$b/(2*$a), $precision);
	$lambdatwo = round(-$b/(2*$a), $precision);
} // End else if (bsmfac == 0)

else { 
	$lambdaone = (-$b+sqrt($bsmfac))/(2*$a);
	$lambdaone = round($lambdaone, $precision);
	$lambdatwo = (-$b-sqrt($bsmfac))/(2*$a);
	$lambdatwo = round($lambdatwo, $precision);

if ($root == 'root1') {return $lambdaone;}
if ($root == 'root2') {return $lambdatwo;}
if ($root == 'both') {return $lambdaone. ' and ' .$lambdatwo;}
} // End function


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I just posted that two replies up...


Your code gives an error.


Parse error: syntax error, unexpected $end in C:\Documents and Settings\My Documents\xampp\htdocs\index.php on line 42


the code I supplied shouldn't give one, I tested it.


Oh I see, what was the other error? His IF statements are hard to read.

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First off I believe there are complex number handlers (they aren't classified as integers once becoming complexed) in php 5, however I'm not sure of the name.  But even still if you want to deal with a complex number simply factor out sqrt(-1) and it becomes a non complex.

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They opened their function twice:


function quadratic ($a, $b, $c, $root) {


That's what he was referring to in his first post.


Before the poster of this thread edited their post, they didn't show that they had already opened it on the next line. So really, infid3l unintentionally told them to add a second bracket.

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