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[SOLVED] Make icon appear with comments


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Ok, I have this system setup where for a submission put on the server, registered users can comment on it. I`ve tried repeatedly trying to get the thing to display icons from userdata with each comment. I`ll let my code speak for itself. These two sections of code I`m displaying are from the file trances.php. I`m not displaying each every piece of the code because I feel most of it is not necessary to show because they are unrelated to the problem.



$res = mysql_query("SELECT id,name,gallNum,URL,rating,numRates,description,views,cat,addDate, feature, literature, favnum, nomi, keyw FROM image WHERE id=$id");
$rows = mysql_fetch_row($res);

   $s = $sub." by ".$name;
   $b= emote($bod);
   mysql_query("INSERT INTO comment (imageID,subject,content,date,sender) VALUES ( '$id', '$s', '$b', NOW(),$send)")or die ( mysql_error());
   $_SESSION['echos'] = $echos = $echos + 10;
   mysql_query("UPDATE userdata SET echo_count = $echos WHERE login = '".$log."' ") or die(mysql_error());
   mysql_query("INSERT INTO messagedata (recBoxID, sendBoxID, content, subject, isNew, date) VALUES ($rows[2], '1', 'You have a new comment on one of your trances that you have submitted.<br><a href=trances.php?id=$id>Click here to read the comment</a>.<br>This is automated message please do not reply.', 'New Comment!', 1, NOW() )");

if($policy && ($lev>6)){
   mysql_query("UPDATE userdata SET violations=SUM(violations,1) WHERE login='$name'");

$res = mysql_query("SELECT login FROM userdata WHERE id='$rows[2]'");
$by = mysql_fetch_row($res);

$res = mysql_query("SELECT icon FROM userdata WHERE id='$rows[2]'");
$icon = mysql_fetch_row($res);

$res = mysql_query("SELECT name, id FROM imagecats WHERE id=$rows[8]");
$catName = mysql_fetch_row($res);

$res = mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM comment WHERE imageID='$id'");
$numCom = mysql_fetch_row($res);

//Update unique pageview counter
if( !$_SESSION["sess_$id"] ){
   $_SESSION["sess_$id"] = "visited";
   $v = $rows[7] + 1;
   mysql_query("UPDATE image SET views=$v WHERE id='$id'");


And in the same file we have:


$res = mysql_query("SELECT subject,content,date,id,sender FROM comment WHERE imageID=$id ORDER BY id DESC");
while($r = mysql_fetch_row($res) ) $comments[] = $r;

if ($comments) foreach($comments as $c){
<table border=0 width=100%>
<table border=0 width=100% bgcolor="000000">
<tr><td bgcolor="312D37" colspan=2><a href="trancer.php?g=<? echo $c[4] ?>"><? echo $c[0] ?></a>       Date: <? echo $c[2] ?>       #<a href="comment.php?id=<? echo $c[3] ?>"><? echo $c[3] ?></a>
<tr><td colspan=2 bgcolor="4A4553"><? echo $c[1] ?>


sender has the id number of the person who makes the comment. Clicking on their name will take you to their profile.


What I`m looking for is that the icon from userdata will appear with the person. userdata id should equal to sender from comment


How is this accomplished? I`m totally stumped.

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I figured out how to do it. I feel really stupid since it was just so simple any easy to do. The code ended up being:


$res = mysql_query("SELECT subject,content,date,id,sender FROM comment WHERE imageID=$id ORDER BY id DESC");
while($r = mysql_fetch_row($res) ) $comments[] = $r;

if ($comments) foreach($comments as $c){
$res = mysql_query("SELECT id, icon FROM userdata WHERE id='$c[4]'");
$comico = mysql_fetch_row($res);
<table border=0 width=100%>
<table border=0 width=100% bgcolor="000000">
<tr><td bgcolor="312D37" colspan=2><img src="<? echo "$comico[1]" ?>"><a href="trancer.php?g=<? echo $c[4] ?>"><? echo $c[0] ?></a>       Date: <? echo $c[2] ?>       #<a href="comment.php?id=<? echo $c[3] ?>"><? echo $c[3] ?></a>
<tr><td colspan=2 bgcolor="4A4553"><? echo $c[1] ?>

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