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[SOLVED] Here's a tough one


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I need help  ???


I have two tables in a database. One is called 'CUSTOMER' and the other 'COMPANY'


'CUSTOMER' has address info. 'COMPANY' has info pertaining to whether the customer is active or not.


A number in an 'ID' field in 'CUSTOMER' matches the number in a 'CusID' field in 'COMPANY'.


I want to pull all the files from 'COMPANY' whose 'SIGNUP' field equals 2007 and whose 'ACTIVE' field equals 'YES'.


Then, I want to pull all the files in the 'CUSTOMER' table that match the 'CusID' number in the result of the 'COMPANY' query (above).


I hope this makes sense. Thanks!

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Hmmm...I'm not the greatest at SQL queries, but try something like this'


    col1, col2
    customers, company
    company.ID = customer.ID AND
    customer.signup = '2007' AND
    customer.active = 'yes'


You must think I live on this site or something :P lmao

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Hi pocobueno1388 and teng84!


This is a join, right? What are the col1 and col2 entries? Am I to rename them? when I use it as is I get "Parse error: parse error, unexpected T_STRING"



You must think I live on this site or something

LOL It's awesome that you're here all the time. You've helped me a lot! :)


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Thanks lightningstrike.


So should I abbreviate it like Barand has, or am I to type:


company.col1, customers.col2  ?



Also, this part confuses me:


    customers cu 
    INNER JOIN company co ON co.cusID = cu.ID


He wrote "customers cu" and "company co". How does php know what cu and co are. Does it know becuse of the co.col1 and cu.col2 part?




Sorry but I just don't get it. :(

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Thanks lightningstrike.


At first I got an error stating that 'cu.col1' did not exist so I removed both and put a '*' in there and it works.


So about the 'cu.col1', you're saying that I need to rename the 'col1' part to whatever column I need. Like 'cu.Address'. Right?


I think I'm getting it now.

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Thanks pocobueno.  You're suggestion also worked.  I've got both versions up and running. Man I learned a lot today. I'm trying real hard to understand this stuff.


Do you know how to remove duplicates? I am printing the results of the above code and there seems to be duplicates. Some of the files are printing 2 times, some 3, some 1. Weird. There must be some code to look at the result and de-dup it. Is there?

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Nope. No dups in the db. There are 2 tables - one has addresses and the other has info about being active, etc, but that's about it.


Here's the whole script. It's a function that prints the addresses to a PDF file in Avery 5160 label format.  It's pretty cool. Only problem is I get duplicate labels.



// Prints to an Avery 5160 label sheet which is a label
// 2 5/8" wide by 1" tall, they are 3 accross on a page
// and 10 rows per page. (30 per page). The upper left
// corner is label(0,0) The X co-ord goes horizontally
// accross the page and Y goes vertically down the page
// Left/Right page margins are 4.2 MM (1/6 inch)
// Top/Botton page margines are 12.7 MM (.5 inch)
// Horizontal gap between labels is 4.2 MM (1/6 inch)
// There is no vertial gap between labels
// Labels are 66.6 MM (2 5/8") Wide
// Labels are 25.4 MM (1" ) Tall
//function Avery5160($x, // X co-ord of label (0-2)$y, // Y co-ord of label (0-9)&$pdf,$Data) // String w/ line breaks to print
function Avery5160($x, $y, &$pdf, $Data){
$LeftMargin = 3.5;
$TopMargin = 12.7;
$LabelWidth = 66.6;
$LabelHeight = 28.25;
// Create Co-Ords of Upper left of the Label
$AbsX = $LeftMargin + (($LabelWidth + 4.22) * $x);
$AbsY = $TopMargin + ($LabelHeight * $y);

// Fudge the Start 3mm inside the label to avoid alignment errors


function PrintAddressLabels($SelectStmt){
global $conn, $Tables;

$rs=$conn->Execute (

    customers cu 
    INNER JOIN company co ON co.cusID = cu.ID
    co.signup = '2007' 
    co.active = 'yes'

$pdf=new FPDF();

$x = 0;
$y = 0;
	//while (TRUE) {

			if($rs->Fields(MAddress) <> '' && $rs->Fields(MCity) <> '' && $rs->Fields(MState) <> ''){
				$LabelText = sprintf("%s\n%s\n%s\n%s, %s %s\n", $rs->Fields(FName) . " " . $rs->Fields(LName), $rs->Fields(CompanyName),$rs->Fields(MAddress) . " " . $rs->Fields(MAddress2), $rs->Fields(MCity),$rs->Fields(MState),$rs->Fields(MZip));

			$y++; // next row

				if ($y == 10 ) { // end of page wrap to next column
					$y = 0;
					if ($x == 3 ) { // end of page
						$x = 0;
						$y = 0;
		//} else {
			// Error quit printing
echo PrintAddressLabels($SelectStmt);

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