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Centering a Scrollable table in a certain column


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Hi, all,


I have a web site in which I display 6300+ antique radios as an identification resource for collectors.  I'm trying to set up a scrollable table in which I can list all 75+ pages on my site to make it easier for users to browse.  It has ranges of manufacturer names and in some cases ranges of model numbers for a manufacturer (lots of radios).


Here is the test page: http://radioatticarchives.com/archive_test.php?page=z1


I have the table working, but it always begins at "Abbott to Americana," the left-most column.  In this test, if you scroll over to "Zenith 1-R to 6-A-05," you will see that this column has no hyperlink; it is the page that is displayed in this test (page=z1).  The user selects another page from this table as the next page.


What I want to do is:


1) Center the table; I use <div align='center'> to no effect.


2) Get rid of the vertical scroll bar.


And the BIG ONE>>>>


3) Automatically scroll the table to the column for the page in the URL (z1 in this case) so that the user would see the "Zenith 1-R to 6-A-05" column at or near the center rather than the table being set at the left-most column.  Can this be done?


I have a set of links at the bottom of each page, but they are just page numbers.  Having this table available would allow the user to more easily find a particular manufacturer.


I can e-mail the code for the page if anyone wants to see it.


Thanks in advance for any help you can offer.


Steve Adams

Webmaster, the Radio Attic's Archives


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