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[SOLVED] Javascript and forms action help


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Hi guys,

Here, i am really stuck as dont know anything about javascript.


I am writing a form.. and one of the fields in the form is going to be for "Your Domain".


What i need help on, is figuring out.. when a user puts say.. domain.com in the box.. That the forms "action=" method is changed to the domain ie: <form action="domain.com/process_form">..


Javascript is the only way i can thing about doing this.. But i dont know Javascript.


Could someone please help me!


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you could make a simple javascript function like so:


function submitForm(formid, actionURL)
  form_handle = document.getElementById(formid);
  form_handle.action = actionURL;
  return true;


and in the form's submit button, use:


<input type="submit" name="Your Domain" onclick="javascript:submitForm(thisformsid, 'domain.com/process_form');" />


the reason we still use a submit input type is so that those with javascript can still submit the form - it'll just head to the form's default action.

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let's assume the ID of our input textbox is called "targetDomain" and that our form's ID is "formOfMysteryAndWonder":


function customSubmit()
  form_handle = document.getElementById("formOfMysterAndWonder");
  custom_action = document.getElementById("targetDomain").value;

  if (custom_action != '')
    form_handle.action = custom_action;
    return true;
    return false;


submit button:


<input type="submit" name="do_this_thang" value="Go To Your Domain" onclick="return customSubmit();" />


give this a shot.  i have a habit of needing to troubleshoot my javascript functions, so it may not work out of the box, to warn you.

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alright, well we might as well just drop the submit accessibility to do some bug checking:


function customSubmit()
  form_handle = document.getElementById("formOfMysterAndWonder");
  custom_action = document.getElementById("targetDomain").value;

  if (custom_action != '')
    form_handle.action = custom_action;


<input type="button" name="do_this_thang" value="Go To Your Domain" onclick="customSubmit();" />


keep in mind the javascript console in FF is extremely handy for javascripting.

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